Is the future of MX club tracks?

Probably 8 years or so ago I recall raising the issue of private tracks versus club owned tracks. At that time it seemed to me that with the rising costs of providing a place to ride at a reasonable cost club owned tracks might be the future of the sport.

I recall ad siding this to the discussion when Scenic Highlands was for sale and or closing down. There are many models to form the club from shares of stock in the track and facilities to having a small number of so called owners and yearly memberships sold to the public.

To me this is a way to spread the capital costs of buying land and creating and running a track by spreading the risk among the members. So, we can talk about different models to do this or do most people just think it is going to work long term for individuals to own and run the tracks and take the risks to,try to make a profit from their hard work?
Too many chiefs, not enough indians.

Guess a club owned track would never work. DMC has been promoting HS, Scrambles, TTs, flat tracks, hillclimbs, poker runs, and motocross for 100 years. The oldest sancationed AMA club in the United States. Nah, would never work.......
I see your point, but I think it could be structured to avoid or minimize that problem. Corporations do it all the time and are successful.
Clubs do work, Western reserve and Amherst. But at the same time they do shoot themselves in the foot. JO is right,to many chiefs.

Lets say JO became a club. All the chiefs decide its too much wear and tear on the water trucks to put down the amount of water JO is used to in prep. So a vote is taken and the watering is left until the morning of practice. What do you get ?

Lets say the members get lazy and dont want to work 4 days for two days of practice operations. JO is left holding the bag again or he gives up and only puts his share of work into instead of what he used to. What do you get?

Short of it is unless you get a large group of members who all have a PASSION to make the club the best it can possibly be you will get a mediocre facility.

This is completely hear say......dint take this as literal truth as it is second hand info...

I have heard this is the reason WRMC only holds one or two MX races a year
I have heard this is why until recently Amherst had problems getting track prep as good as it is now.

AGAIN these are rumors I heard not actual first hand fact/
Guess a club owned track would never work. DMC has been promoting HS, Scrambles, TTs, flat tracks, hillclimbs, poker runs, and motocross for 100 years. The oldest sancationed AMA club in the United States. Nah, would never work.......

Big difference between working and working well. The kubota worked, the John Deere works better. Im just voicing my opinion John. DMC may be a diamond in the rough,but the majority of the time when here the word "club" I think turmoil. Alot of politics there, and I know your the expert on that too. So I will not comment on politics.

The club idea has its merits, and it could work with a heirarchy or structure with a respected leader, but I think it has more avenues to fail, than to succeed.
Oh there is always turmoil. But at the end of the day, someone is in charge. As for Kenworthys, I believe Don ran things pretty tight with the "club" out there. Baxter would be the one to chime in here on the club at Kenworthys and how it worked with Don. He was a member of it.
I think the future is

Those who have the passion strive for the best and the turnouts show the results.
Those who just want to make money or skimp by doing only what they need have low turnouts or close the gates.

It doesnt matter if it is a race or if it is a practice track..... survival of the fittest.
I think the future is

Those who have the passion strive for the best and the turnouts show the results.
Those who just want to make money or skimp by doing only what they need have low turnouts or close the gates.

It doesnt matter if it is a race or if it is a practice track..... survival of the fittest.

I think Im forming a club, I have been convinced. Dave Smith is now my chief of pitracer affairs.

All BC questions including Battle for Ohio must go through him. Im out.
I think the future is

Those who have the passion strive for the best and the turnouts show the results.
Those who just want to make money or skimp by doing only what they need have low turnouts or close the gates.

It doesnt matter if it is a race or if it is a practice track..... survival of the fittest.

For sure, Not pointing fingers but there is evidence from the past for this. I have personally been to "TRACKS" (so called) that have no other goal than to try and make $ and they fail or struggle miserably catering only to those who do not care because "its just a place to ride their dirt bike" and/or it is closer or cheaper than Wayne forest ect...Its Blatantly obvious what there priorities are and I, like most, never return.
So, how do these clubs form and go year to year? Are there shares, like stock, in the club to fund it initially? Are there full members and or associate members? Are there monthly, quarterly, or yearly dues or fees that the club members pay? Does the club reach a point of being self sustaining without any fees or dues after a period of time?

I am also thinking about health clubs, YMCA, and Golf Clubs are formed and work too. Do these models fit the MX community needs?
So, how do these clubs form and go year to year? Are there shares, like stock, in the club to fund it initially? Are there full members and or associate members? Are there monthly, quarterly, or yearly dues or fees that the club members pay? Does the club reach a point of being self sustaining without any fees or dues after a period of time?

I am also thinking about health clubs, YMCA, and Golf Clubs are formed and work too. Do these models fit the MX community needs?

Clubs are simple, just get a bunch of gung hoe dudes toether, and talk them into how awesome it will be. Then create a list of 30 excuses for when the track doesnt turn out good. Simple.
COCR seems to have the club thing dialed in haha!!!!! Not sure they have any chief's running that show.
COCR seems to have the club thing dialed in haha!!!!! Not sure they have any chief's running that show.

I think, at least for eastern ohio, we haven't seen anything yet. once grandma and grandpa farmer pass on the royalty money from mineral rights we are going to start to see multi purpose tracks popping up. i read somewhere that carroll county is now the wealthiest county in ohio. and there are a ton of riders in the carroll/stark county area.