Hey guys,
Having a tech problem with my transmission on my 05 Yz 250 2 stroke
. Just wondering if anyone out there can help me out. When I ride I shift in straights I don't clutch it and I don't let off the gas. I'm used to 4 strokes but I figured the 2 stroke would shift just the same. I have noticed that when I'm pinned it won't shift from 2nd to 3rd without letting off the gas. I just replaced the shift drum due to some issues with my tranny but all the other parts were inspected by 2 different people and they looked good. I have heard the gears in these bikes are very undercut as to not slip into a false neutral. This problem seems to only be from 2nd to 3rd but really that's the only time I'm really pinned on my track. I run A class so I'm really running the bike hard to give you an idea of the load the tranny is under. Any help would be amazing!
Having a tech problem with my transmission on my 05 Yz 250 2 stroke