My winter project kx


PR Member
I wanted to share this with you guys, I have had many dirt bikes ranging for a DS-100 suzuki to 2 stroke big bores, and the current 4 stroke stuff. My favorite of all of them is the 1985 KX-125 it ate hondas and yamaha's for lunch totally stock!! I raced one of these in 1986 and it was a rocket, made an average rider look better than he really was

I have been lucky enough to have a friend that had one that I knew of since 1986, I gave it a full restoration, resprung it for me since im a bit bigger now lol, and I cant wait to ride it

Coming to briarcliff in 2013, and probably mt morris for bomber class racing thanks to Mark Weaver at Edge One Racing for all the help!!!

I need to get my #801 on it yet, but its almost ready!!! cant wait to get it out, im worse than a kid at Christmas!!


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That's awesome! I always thought the '84-'89 KX125's were really cool. I remember they had a distinct sound to them also, sounded different than the other brands.
Love it when someone brings out the glory of bikes past. Did they ever look that good new?
It will be cool seeing that bike lined up on the gate.
Great looking KX! I will look forward to seeing it at BC this summer.

How in the world did we ride those era bikes with those tiny footpegs? My ankles hurt looking at them.
The best 2-stoke motocross bike EVER made... That is a work of art. I have been searching for one to restore for a while now and just can not seam to find a good candidate. My only issue is the black rims, yes they look cool but that bike just did not need it, it was and is super cool bone stock. None the less, beautiful job.
Bad@$$ I couldn't view the pics on my phone in mobile mode, so waited until I go on the laptop. Definately like the bike. I am curious the handling and fun factor difference on a vintage bike. Guess it's all in the rider. Very cool though. I'm a fan! ;)