Riding school.


PR Addict
On behalf of fellow riders we would like to thank all that participated in the first Pro Day riding school at the Beanfield. Mike Goodwin, a mini parent took the initiative to gather all the mini riders he knew, secure pro athletes to educate the kids, gather swag from several vendors to handout for raffles and overall put on an awesome event. Typical Ohio weather changed things up a bit. Planned riding sessions resorted to an under tent tutorial and basic meet and greet. The sky's never cleared nor did the excitement of the day, but the local pros stayed and kept the kids interested. Thank you to our new friends. Thank you to the Goodwin family. Thank you to the sponsors of the event. Thank you to our local pro educators Tim Dettling, Tyler Hamrick and J.R Hinds. Oh, did I mention that these guys did this for the kids. No fees, no stipulations, no future favors, just simply showed to help the future of ATV motocross. Thanks!


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Mike is a good dude. My boys learned how to ride at his place back when the beanfield was open to the public. Always treaded us like family, and is a pleasure to see at the races. We were suppose to go there Saturday, but decided against it due to the weather. Glad to hear everyone still had fun despite the crappy weather.
I would like to thank mike for a great day even with the rain. Kids had a great time. Also thanks to the pros and C.J Davis for taking pics.