PR Addict
My buddy from Indiana text me this morning. We had talked earlier yesterday while I was driving back from MTF, but who knew that was almost the last time I spoke with him.
He said he was humming down the road with his Toy Hauler, coming home from riding all day, and he heard what sounded like a train. Said he looked and was in the path of one of the tornados ripping through the US yesterday. Came on him so fast he said. He said he pegged the truck to get to the nearest over pass, but did not make it. Said the tornado grabbed the trailer and spun him and his son around in the truck. Look at his toy hauler...said the truck was tore up as well and the bikes were a mess also...
Man, he and his 10 year are lucky to be alive. A local came to the accident scene with a BobCat and flipped the trailer mess back over and they fished out his son's 65, 85 and his CRF250, but he said they are a mess as well. Total loss and to boot the rental car agency nearby his house lost all their cars by the same twister...

He said he was humming down the road with his Toy Hauler, coming home from riding all day, and he heard what sounded like a train. Said he looked and was in the path of one of the tornados ripping through the US yesterday. Came on him so fast he said. He said he pegged the truck to get to the nearest over pass, but did not make it. Said the tornado grabbed the trailer and spun him and his son around in the truck. Look at his toy hauler...said the truck was tore up as well and the bikes were a mess also...
Man, he and his 10 year are lucky to be alive. A local came to the accident scene with a BobCat and flipped the trailer mess back over and they fished out his son's 65, 85 and his CRF250, but he said they are a mess as well. Total loss and to boot the rental car agency nearby his house lost all their cars by the same twister...