Bike Builds


PR Addict
As I am getting my bike, gear and all that stuff lined up. The emotions are coming back that allude to your relationship with your bike. I love customizing your bike and gear because its a way to express yourself and be confident in your machine. I get my bike all I have is a before picture. I will have the after picture in a couple of weeks. So lets hear about and see your bike build! Brap!

some things I do have in place...

1. I think a bike should have a name. Most choose the female gender for their machines...I chose a male. I was thinking that if I had to go to battle mounted on a horse...I would be riding a male. So I named my bike "Roost" because that is what he loves to do. His name will be present on the front number plate.

2. "Butt Patches" - I have two sets of gear. The first one will say "HIGH 5"...which John259 came up with because of the High 5's on the gate. The second will be "E PLURIBUS UNUM" which means "Out of many, One." It is of Latin origin. It was our National motto before "In God WeTrust." Which both of these are printed on our coins. My overall theme is Patriotic. Love the Red, White, and Blue!

3. My number is 617. I trusted in Jesus Christ on 7-16-2006 and was baptized on 6-17-2007. The baptism date happened to come on Father's Day and my Dad came to church with me. It was a pretty special day. Especially now that my Dad has been sober going on 3 years. We have had lots of ups and downs...on both our parts...but we have never been closer. I am pretty much his only real friend...he knows he can trust me with anything and that I love him unconditionally and I will be their for him, especially when it counts. I now how have a Dad who is their for me emotionally and supportive of my life. My step-dad is the one that got me into riding and my Dad hated me riding and being involved in motocross because he was jealous. I would invite him out or try to talk about the good things that are happening in MX with me...he never wanted to hear it. Now he can't wait to come to the track and my step-dad is my mechanic!

This is so awesome! Brap!

So whatcha got going on?


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"E PLURIBUS UNUM" alludes to the formation of the United States...the union between State and Federal Government. "Out of many, One"
Great read Jarret.. Awesome to hear ur story about ur baptism and father being sober.. U guys are going to have a great year together... I'd say enjoy it but I don't think I need to.... It's a given
Great read Jarret.. Awesome to hear ur story about ur baptism and father being sober.. U guys are going to have a great year together... I'd say enjoy it but I don't think I need to.... It's a given

Thank you! Your right...enjoying it is the easy part...seeing things through is the hard part.
Go with High5. It's from the heart. E Pluribus is printed on money, the root of all evil. And you're a righteous human being. Go with the high 5.

High()Five in the middle have a cracked eggshell spewing yolk on the 5. That's what I think would be perfect for you.

Thanks for all you do! It's great to see your face when we line up week in and week out.
By gosh George your right! Going with High 5 on both pants with the cracked eggshell and maybe a cartoon ginger head on the other. Thank you for the idea...that's awesome.

Its always good to see you too...and your brother cracks me up. He is always saying something like ginger power or us gingers gotta stick together...wait, maybe we both say that! He is a funny kid.

Thank you very much for the encouragement men! It gets me fired up!

FYI...It is actually the "love" of money that is the root of all evil. 1 Tim. 6:10
Great Story! Hope this year is a good one for you!

Well, as far as builds go....Here is mine- 07 Crf250r. Bought the bike in pieces, bare frame, blown up motor in boxes, and needed some odds and ends to be complete. Well, i ended up going all out on it. Here is what she started as, to where she is now. Have plenty of in between pics, but i don't want to hijack your thread. lol The bike is brand new, top to bottom! Almost every bearing, entire motor, plastics(graphics are on the way), Fresh powder coat,seat cover,tires, chain, sprockets, susp..... you get the idea.

Thanks man! That bike is looking good. Make sure to post a photo when 100% complete. I am surpised more folks aren't revealing their steede?

Bike is now in the garage! YES!!!

Bonus...ordered some gear from Alias MX..they call and say the don't have a pant I ordered except for a pair worn by K-Dub. They ask if I want them...ummm...YES!!! Maybe I will go faster now or do some transfer jumps at intermission...haha!
Fresh for sure!

Since I don't have a bike I've been slowly but surely working on courts 150r.. tore apart 100% right now wait in on some powder coat..
Appreciate the love guys, I think it turned out pretty well. I'll be sure to get a picture up when i get it all buttoned up!
2014 crf450

I usually don't buy new bikes until spring, but this time I bought it in November so I could add everything I wanted all winter. Only a few more small parts to add. Ryan at Ripped Vinyl made this bike look good. I can't wait to ride as soon as this weather breaks. Like MXCrusader617 said, your bike is a direct reflection of your personality. Cheers!


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