PR Elite

I was waiting on somebody else to start the 2014 turkey hunting thread but I guess I'll do it anyway .
Got this Tom this morning at 6:47 . 21lbs 11oz. , 7/8 spurs , 9 3/4in. beard .
Set up Monday morning before daylight and ended up right under this bird's roost tree . About 8 hens flew down and he pitched out to join them ( out of range of course ) . Watched him strut for about 10 minutes and all the birds wandered off . Did some light yelping and managed to call half the hens by me but the gobbler apparently stayed with the other group of hens . This morning I was in position before daylight where the gobbler strutted yesterday . The hens flew down first and started feeding . He flew down last , right into the strut zone and I already had the gun on my knee pointed there . Shame on him .
Due to Diabetes complications with my eyes I've been having trouble seeing the Ghost Ring sight on my 3 1/2 in , 12 gauge . It is a single shot and has no way to mount a scope . I have an older Mossberg 20 gauge model 500 with a scope , that is set up as a slug gun for my grandkids to use . No screw in choke just a modified choke barrel . Hornady now makes a heavy magnum turkey load that is meant to shoot out of an I/C or modified choke because of some specially designed shot cup and wadding system they developed ( actually patterns worse out of tighter chokes ). I bought some and they patterned well out to about 35 yards . That is how far this gobbler was and it dropped him flat . The gun is light , a lot quieter , and has virtually no kick compared to he monster 12 gauge . Don't have to worry about getting " ring-eye " from the scope either . They make these shells in 3in. 20 gauge ( only have #5 shot available ) and in various lengths of 12 gauge shells with a variety of shot sizes . Give some a try .