Malvern More Battle Info


Kames Sports has generously provided over $2,000 worth of products to give away to podium position finishers. 1-3 will get to choose an item along with what ever award they choose.

Wiseco has also sent promotional products to be handed out.

16 hours and about 150 gallons of diesel later, Malvern looks like it has been invaded by a colony of giant moles. 24 dump truck loads of sand and 12 loads of dirt/topsoil to be worked into key areas so that the track is in its absolute best conditions for this HUGE weekend.
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Looking forward to this weekend. I have all my Bubba Excuses going this week even....still nursing a sore back hurt at Chilitown, fighting a cold this week. But unlike Bubba, I will show up at the race and plan on racing!
Looking forward to it! Hadn't been to Malvern since the late 80's until last years Battle race and really like the track. I have you beat on excuses though John, my bike is still in the back of the box truck from Chillitown. I am ready to race!!
LOL. Have you got some numbers for that thing yet?

heck yeah. still have the big duct tape #1 on it.

Mosher the way I have been riding lately I could just stop and tell them what number I am instead of putting them on the bike and it wouldn't hurt my performance.