Purple pw


PR Member
anuone have a purple pw in decent shape sitting around that you want to get rid of? 3.5 yr old is asking Santa for a purple pw, a REAL flying unicorn, and Chapstick. Only so much I can do with that list.
Also check CL for an early 90's PW bought my daughter a 94 it had a purple seat and white / purple plastics; if you find one it should be cheap being that old and I dont believe yamaha has made any major improvements to the bike since then.
No changes from original in the 80s ('84? '86?) to the present is what I was told when we looked for one for our grandson.
If your gonna race you need new. The forks go bad fast. And you can't fix them.
Forks are scrap befor they are even mounted. The pw is a throw away.
1 summer of riding it is garbage. Solo. Cheap one to see if they ride and like it. Let them destroy a practice bike. Then buy new.

By time you pay 300 to 600 and fix it up you will be 75% to new.
Saw this and thought of this post


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