BC Sunday July 5th!


PR Founding Father
Due to popular demand, we are planning to open Sunday July 5th. I bet 1 out of 4 people asked me today. No can do tomorrow, but I think we can swing Sunday.

Is this better Matt Winland???
You know I'm loco for de cinqo de mayo, I cant get it out of my head......Thermometer forecast says shirt with no sleeves by noon.
Word on he street this is the last practice at BC till after battle weekend at ctown......better get some.
Thanks again Jeremy for the unscheduled opening.
The grandkids and my nephew had an absolute blast. ( in the words of 6 yer old Joshy on the Pee Wee track... "That was Amazing!" )

This was our first visit this year. Loved the B/C track changes. My son and I hammered some laps testing each others will and competitiveness. We were long overdue for that. Never made it over to the A track but looking forward too it. Great time as usual.

Go Briarcliff ! ! ! !
That side by side looked Amazing!! I agree thanks for the bonus round. Love the new track layout. I think you shortened the step up triple. My brain kept using 2014 third gear braapp, oh crraaap.
I think you shortened the step up triple. My brain kept using 2014 third gear braapp, oh crraaap.

Nah, damn tractor driver keeps dragging the landing away... I over jumped it a couple times as well. All not so bad until that tight hander comes up...

Track was good yesterday. I got some good moto in. I could a little more stamina and endurance, but felt pretty good. Am I Battle ready? I'd like to think so, but hard to tell. Definitely was nice to finally get some BC moto in this summer...