What is the correct way to insert photos into Posts or Messages on PitRacer?


PR Addict
I have had a few people comment that they don't know how to insert photos into posts or private messages.

The following is how I insert photos that are stored on my local PC. Online pictures where I can grab the URL are easier.

1) Create a PitRacer Gallery under your account.
2) Upload the photo you want to include in a post or message to you gallery.
3) Click on the photo to expand and there will be a share option.
4) Under the Share option copy the direct link URL - it is the second URL.
5) In your desired post or message, click on the little photo rectangle icon next to the emoticon icon and paste your copied gallery photo URL into the text box.
6) This will insert the photo.

This is how I have been inserting pictures into the posts and messages. If there is a more straightforward way, I welcome anyone's input.


PR Elite
When you post a thread click on the "Upload a file " button at the bottom right corner of the reply box. Then click on full size image once it has uploaded. all done.

C Hudak

PR Addict