Congrats Cade Clason!

Nice one John, nice. I was rooting for Cade in the heat race, I really thought he was going to pull it off until the anchor came out! Congrats for sure, making the night program is an accomplishment in itself and making the main is incredible ! Way to go!!
Hopefully he keeps it rolling. He's smooth as hell. One of 6 guys in the 450 class that regularly train at ClubMX

He's riding with some of the best down there......
To ride at that level and stay healthy are many dreams come true. Hope he keeps it up as long his heart desires.
Cade made it again at Glendsle. He and Bryce Stewart were training buddies last year. They got some TV time. Good to see.
Always nice to see a hometown boy on tv. He was battling it out against Schmidt too. He is starting to look more confident out there with those guys every week.
Ralph can't pronounce medina correctly. Cade saved the town the embarrassment of being called "muh-dean-ugh" Ohio!


all seriousness I bet he's pumped about being able to qualify in A group!
s**t call. That was an awesome pass.

I dunno the other pic I've seen looks like he's over the tuffblock. Either way I feel like he shouldn't have been dq'ed. Awesome pass!


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He was over the tuff block which is illegal therefore a DQ is in order no matter how awesome of a pass it was and it was TOTALLY awesome. Was the only chance he had. He took it and executed it. Too bad he couldn't have bended the bike around the corner... He was pumped for sure. Kudos to him for trying. He left it all on the track. Nothing more you can ask of yourself.
I dont see in the rule book where it says if you're over top of a tough block you get dqd
It's called cutting the track for an advantage Porgie which is exactly what he did. Again, I do not think he was trying to cheat and/or felt he did at first. It just ended up that way after the facts were reviewed. He should have gotten squirrelly when doing it and he would have had an argument that it was no different than landing on a tough block off the triple. Although, the fact remains, he gained an advantage through going off the track and not coming back on the track at the same location. If it was legal, K-Dub could have used his transfer move he did on opening ceremonies to gain an advantage... Put your pot stirrer away. :)