The coined phrase by BJ ..... "Pitbitch"


PR Elite
In case any of you missed it the other day on FB, which Im sure most of you did, there was a "friendly " discussion about not using PR for track notifications because the members here only complain, bitch and whine. Aside from the advantages for tracks to post here about events Im curious about everyones thoughts.

Now I know this is old and been over hashed out but what is everyones problem with riders complaining about tracks? Do track owners not understand that if you see it here its happening every where else? In private conversations, other social media outlets and at other local rider gatherings?

Those complaints seen here are a PERFECT research tool for making a track what people want! Sure you need to use your judgement and weed out the a*****e who just posts things to bash your track for no particular reason but you cant expect 95% of riders to give you an honest opinion to your face either. On top of that most opinions you see on any social media arent going to be exactly what you need. You need to examine them and figure out what the real critique is and make it useful for you.

I will say again what I said that got feathers ruffled.....and this goes for all track owners, members and lurkers that never post...... Get a set.

Grow a pair

Basically get over it and move on. When did society become such a bunch of pussies? Who is more of a whinning crying pussy, the one complaining or the one who cant handle it?

I dare anyone to show me a social media site , and Pit racer IS a social media site, that DOESNT have anything as bad or worse than whats on here??? Vital is the largest MX site I believe and it is a raging war multiple times over every day there.

Facebook is 20 times worse than that.

At least on here we all have a passion we share, MX. I have a passion to see tracks grow their rider base and believe in Ohio you cant find anything that directs you to so many tracks that are running as what we have here with one click.

Race forum, open practice forum and a track guide with an interactive map using google maps. How much better can it get for searching where to ride on a moments notice?



In my opinion it isnt the crying and complaining or bitching on here that will hurt us, its the ones who cant take it. Imagine if all the tracks that currently post here and people who give updates on ones that dont all stopped today.

lets say the weather is spotty march 12th and you want to ride. Where are you going to ride at? You could come here and inside of 1 min you know what 15 tracks are doing, closed, open but muddy or open and perfect. Now lets say PR doesnt exist because Track owners cant handle the bitching any more. Now what? Youre going to spend 30 to 90 mins checking FB, calling tracks, calling friends and then what if there is a track open you and your friends arent familiar with that is open and perfect? You miss out, you cant find a track on FB if you dont know what to search for and even if you do sometimes. And you cant rely on your feed to share every post of FB either.

Rant over. Hopefully everyone has at least a tiny bit more understanding of what Pit started here and Chuck is willing to continue. Its a vast resource advantageous to both track owners and riders that is FREE and people put effort into providing for us without compensation beyond seeing MX flourish in Ohio.
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I liked that convo on fb very intertaining but I think beans will be up for sale again because of you lol

How do you figure? All I basically said was use PR as well to help grow the rider base. Not one single complaint from me. Just a bunch of "nice people" saying how bad PR is in response to me.

People cant handle honesty anymore !!!


You'd think a track on the verge of shutting its doors the past 3? years due to low turnouts (or whatever the reason) would be trying to get as many people there as humanly possible and by any means necessary.

Not segregating a group of riders (Pit bitches apparently) because they use a website.

If they can't handle people talking s**t about their track on here, why even read it? The threads don't open themselves. Go straight to the open practice forum, post your details, and head out.

I can't believe we have to spell this stuff out to business owners. You aren't hurting anyone but yourself by not getting your open practice/race/track info in front of as many sets of eyes as you can.
You'd think a track on the verge of shutting its doors the past 3? years due to low turnouts (or whatever the reason) would be trying to get as many people there as humanly possible and by any means necessary.

Not segregating a group of riders (Pit bitches apparently) because they use a website.

If they can't handle people talking s**t about their track on here, why even read it? The threads don't open themselves. Go straight to the open practice forum, post your details, and head out.

I can't believe we have to spell this s**t out to business owners. You aren't hurting anyone but yourself by not getting your open practice/race/track info in front of as many sets of eyes as you can.

I am not aiming this at any particular track at all, it just got me thinking again about marketing and business.

I will not use Facebook, yet I am on Pitracer almost daily. Tracks should post info both places, not assume people use one or the other, or both. That would be bad marketing and customer service for a business, which a track is.

Exactly my point, use every and any means possible to get the word out. And the track involved will continue to use PR. I will say that people are less likely to bitch on FB directly on your page about your track if you are an owner, but they will on their page for 6000 other friends and people to see. It gives the track owner a sense of security IMO because they dont see the complaints on their page.
This site IS great and promoters should 100% use it. To be fair though, there are maybe a couple people on here that are flat out trolls. Just negatively commenting on anything and everything for no reason. But as Hershey said, those are the comments you need to simply throw out as a promoter. This is a great tool because we all have that passion for motorcycles.

Facebook is ten times worse than anything on here because a lot of those people have no idea what they are even talking about. All you have to do is read some of the arguments on the CRA Facebook page. And that's not a dig on the CRA. That's a dig on the idiots that argue with each other on their page.
This was a problem when I was active in the mx scene, and I see nothing has changed. Here's what it boils down to. People mainly bitch about a track because it's to technical. How many riders that are riding the pro class or are top level b riders do you see knocking on a track like beans? Not very damn many, if any at all... the guys that are knocking it feel inadequate because they can't go there and look "awesome " to their buddies or the broads they brought with them when they are rolling some of the jumps.

Then, people bitch when the tracks all get closed down and there is no where to ride. All because their pride prohibited them from supporting a local track... not to mention in prohibits them from ever getting better. There's a reason why when pros are in town they go to beans... it's the closest thing to a national caliber track there is when they are in the area.

I was fortunate to have been in my prime when motocross was in its prime in ohio... I had a dozen tracks at my finger tips, and I supported them all as much as I could. I never once cried about the conditions or the technical difficulty... I would go to beans on Mondays or Wednesdays during mid day and ride just to put laps in... and dare I say it, because some of you fair track riders wouldnt dream of riding... the track was unprepped...

Soon track owners are going to have to give out achievement stickers for people who complete a double on their track so they show the buddies and feel cool....

Motocross has deffinately taken a downward spiral rt along with america. Suck it up people. Support your local tracks, there aren't many around anymore.
I think tracks need to be honest with people. I have no problem riding an unprepped track IF thats what I expect. I'll never show up to a track i knew wasnt going to be prepped and bitch about it being unprepped. But if someone says somethings going to be great and prepped and you show up and it doesnt look like it was touched.. well hell i shouldnt have drove 2 hours for that i could have driven 30 min to ride that type of conditiono. I think thats an example of 1 thing that people bitch the most about.

I also think a lot of these track owners dont look at this like a business. And if thats the way they want to run things, so be it.. but dont bitch about nobody showing up and you barley breaking even on race day.

What do we do at work? We send out surveys, emails, phone calls, etc, we reach out to clients asking for feedback, suggestions,(GOOD AND BAD) etc and we take all of that data and use it to make changes, improvements, etc because we know in the end our clients are what gives us a pay check. Why do tracks not look at it the same way? Oh we got bad feedback from a client, screw it we dont need them as a client, we dont need their 50k this year... no thats not how that works.

i dont get why any single track owner would NOT be using ALL options available (ESPECIALLY FOR FREE) to promote and improve their BUSINESS.
If they can't handle people talking s**t about their track on here, why even read it? The threads don't open themselves. Go straight to the open practice forum, post your details, and head out.

THIS. If you dont want to participate in conversation, thats fine. but you're only hurting yourself by not taking 5 seconds to post to the open practice forum. You can also set it up to post that same post to facebook (work smarter not harder!!!!)
All you have to do is read some of the arguments on the CRA Facebook page
Is there a second CRA facebook page that I am not seeing? The only one I find when searching hasn't been updated in close to two years.
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This is going to pain me on a personal level but here goes...
Promoters that do ran their place like a business mostly do use this site as a marketing tool. J.O. gets beat up hard on here about being a jerk and or an issue with his facility. BUT, he takes the complaints, bitching or suggestions and uses them to IMPROVE his product that is sold to his consumers. That is how good business happens. Riders bitched about his drive way. and he fixed it. Plain and simple, a complaint from THIS site, made his product better. Good job J.O. (yes, I just died a little inside)
I believe the promoters that do get upset about what is posted on here, do so not because they are not running their place like a business, most are. But they also have personal feelings built into it because they have a track because they either enjoy the sport or think that their hard work is perfect. NO ONE likes to be told that their work is sub-par. So instead of taking the feedback from this site and using it as a tool for improvement, they simply dismiss it as a bunch of faceless jerks online and continue down the wrong path.
If it is a business then promoters / owners have to check their feelings at the door and look at it as an opportunity for improvement. Sure, there will be some posts that don't seem to be anything but hurtful but even those can be used for the greater good.
The guy from Pryma-who-thing posts on here and he gets A LOT of negative feedback. It sounds like from his posts that he is willing to make changes to improve. Great. And without this site, I would have NEVER heard of his track. I still cant pronounce the name of it. But I know of his product and THAT is all that counts.

PitRacer is why I went to Monster Mountain a couple weeks ago. Without PR I would never of known of that place. The owner posted ON HERE and I went.
Marketing 101. If a free option for advertising exists, then use it. DUH.

Wow, I used a lot of CAPS on THIS post. I MUST reaLLy mean it.
Beans is tough.. People would rather ride a highway that the quads got beat down! Look Jeb.. I did the 35'double in the back! Wanna ride? Go to district 5
It's a lot similar to Beans! See ya soon BJ :)
The conversation I have with most tracks owners is the illusion of activity of other social media sites compared to PR. It goes like this.

I posted the same exact message on PR and Facebook. I got 400 views and 10 replies on FB and none on here so why bother posting on PR?

The answer is complicated but it's an illusion of facts. Let's say your facebook page has 2000 friends or likes. Your post is not seen by all 2000. It's only displayed by 200 or so which just means it pops up in their news feed. That means the news feed of your parents, your high school friends, and anybody else who doesn't ride included in there and you can't really determine if it was actually read either. You can boost your post to 6000 people for $$. This works well if you can afford it (honestly its pretty cheap too from a marketing perspective). The downside of this strategy.

Google can't keep up with Facebook

Not all friends/likes ride a dirt bike

Posts don't reach all riders

Let's look at the same post on PR. TV Land for example since it's at the top of the screenshot. Open Saturday 9/26 with 0 replies. Only 131 views. Not worth the 3 minutes it took to post that right?


131 views means 131 riders opened that thread and read it. That's much different than a FB news thread you're scrolling through like a zombie. That's potentially 131 people who are considering making the trip. If you only get half attending that's 131 X $25. Not bad for 3 minutes of work. If only one extra person shows up that's still $25 for 3 minutes of work. I know of 2 or 3 track owners who only post on here and not FB, 3 minutes of effort and they get a full turnout. Most of their posts have 0 replies and 100-200 views. So how do they get a full turnout?

Let's look at the 0 replies illusion. Nobody is interested right? What's to reply about. If you've been to TV Land you now know it's open and you're packing up your van. Hell I rarely open these up at all. I look at the screenshot above and just go wherever I want. That means the views numbers aren't getting updated from me but I'm still going and paying $25. Also remember 80% of the traffic on here do not have an account so they can't/don't reply. 80% of 4M hits/month do not reply on here. So really you have to think about it like a press release or newspaper article. You wouldn't know how many views a newspaper gets unless you look at the distribution. Also remember everyone on FB is logged in so 100% of their traffic could/should be replying.

Now for the bonus factor for your 3 minutes of effort. Google. Like I said Google cannot keep up with FB. For example do a search on TV Land


Just a bunch of garbage. Now do a Google search of TV Land on Facebook...


Now look at a Google search of TV Land on pitracer. 703 very relevant results dating back years and years....


So does PR work? It's easier to see when you travel and you kill yourself trying to find a place to ride but just look at the numbers below. I've spent easily 200 hours trying to find every open track east of the Mississippi. Ohio is more successful (36 tracks) than every other state put together. I feel that's directly related to everyone reading this.


PR is just a marketing tool. It's the people who use it who are making things happen. Yes I wish more people would use it in other states but really the people in those states have to want it and make it happen.