Austin Stroupe Arrested


Arrested for possession of heroin and marijuana.

This guy was just on a Arenacross team a month ago. Sad to see the power that drugs have over people at times.

Just crazy he can go from factory team to getting arrested for drugs in 2014. Then have the willpower to make a comeback, succeed early at your comeback... And then just go back to the old way. Crazy.


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I thank God I never got into any drugs. Heroine is getting bad every where. Its cheap now and ultra addictive. Sad that so many lives are ruined by drugs.
I've seen so many people go down that road and it almost never ends up well. There are a select few that make it out alive. Hopefully he makes some changes after this and gets himself together. So sad to see so many young kids fall victim to heroin. When does it take a turn where you go from smoking a joint to sticking a needle in your arm or snorting some powder to give you a high? So sad.
I thank God I never got into any drugs. Heroine is getting bad every where. Its cheap now and ultra addictive. Sad that so many lives are ruined by drugs.
Living in the Youngstown its crazy the amount "OD's" you hear about on a weekly basis. Another thing is when people say "oh they got into a bad batch of heroin" GTFO.. its all bad. I'd say Stroupe got lucky by getting caught before completely messing his life up or even death.
Your right, that dude looks wasted. Man so sad. He just finished on the podium in Arenacross. I agree, probably started with pain pills. I wish him the best and hope he can kick the habit. I remember his first pro race at Steel City. He started way outside. Came screaming around the pack. Took Villopoto and the other Kawi rider at the time clean out. What a career. He could have been somebody.
yeah its a sad thing! when i broke my back thats all doctors tried to do is feed me pain meds at a crazy high dose. and its only meant to be used for a short period, but the doctors still try to feed them and put patients and then put them in pain management, Thankfully i had good parents and good people around me to where that didn't happen. But its def a epidemic all over the use. and athletes in every sport are eating them like skittles not knowing the road that lies ahead. its a shame praying that he gets the help he needs and gets back to being a healthy young man. prayers
Millions of people are given pain medication that do not end up on heroin. Sometimes you have to call the kettle a dumbass.

woah dude! 2 of my brothers are recovering drug addicts. You are right and wrong at the same time. It all comes down to the person. If you have that addictive personality in your blood, your best bet is to just stay away from everything.... a blunt leads to a line of blow. you need the next high, the next step up. And usually that next thing up is an opiate. Opiates take one "try" one hit and that's it, you are addicted. A close friend ODed, she survived thank God, but she has a traumatic brain injury because of it. She can barely walk, has a hard time talking, can't drive, and has to live in assisted living. Shes 25 years old. On the other side of the spectrum, you clearly don't have an addictive personality. Drug addicts are so stupid, they are wasting their money, ruining their families lives, they are so selfish, why don't they just quit. IDIOTS! I understand your view on it, I felt that same way. My little brother had to be put in an "at-stay" facility, I would go visit once a week to their meetings and wow. It really opened my eyes. Don't be so quick to judge people!
its called being head strong, having will power, and not a girls r the only thing that calls my name, not cigs, hillbilly wanna b chew, drugs...oh ya i forgot alot of $$$.thats got me spinnin.
But alot head down that path because its over prescribed and very strong

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One of the articles states that they believe it stems from taking so many pain killers. I guess I could see it happening you get addicted to pain killers to keep riding then once your off of them you still need them. He went looking for another way to fill the addiction.
One of the articles states that they believe it stems from taking so many pain killers. I guess I could see it happening you get addicted to pain killers to keep riding then once your off of them you still need them. He went looking for another way to fill the addiction.
Said it may be, but these are all just excuses. Responsibility falls solely on him he made the choice.
One of the articles states that they believe it stems from taking so many pain killers. I guess I could see it happening you get addicted to pain killers to keep riding then once your off of them you still need them. He went looking for another way to fill the addiction.
One reason pain pills lead to other drugs. I have been in a ton of pain since Vet Fest and in Pain management in the past.
Pills work only for a short time then they do not help with pain. That is why i take them very sparingly. Only on the worst days.

That being said, I am in pain 24-7 every minute. After a while you just want to be pain free for a good night sleep. (Dont read into this, I dont do anything other than Tequila and that makes me sleep even less)
Football players are all beat up by time they retire, Look at Bernie Kosar, pills messed him up! So I agree each situation is different.
Addiction is evident when you're going through withdrawal.

There is nothing in this world that you can ingest one time and immediately become chemically depenedent on it. Or addicted. They're in love with the secondary feeling. That's not addiction.

For me a Percocet makes me feel terribly slow and Lethargic. All I do is sleep. The pain goes away but the secondary effect is retarded. But that secondary effect people love sometimes. So the pain is gone but they'll want the secondary effect. That's what leads to this "addiction" the people that like to feel that way continue to swallow. Until they're chemically depenedent then they find themselves taking high doses that aren't prescribable just to feel normal. To keep the withdrawal at bay. That's when you're gonna need 4-6 days of hospitalization and around the clock monitoring because withdrawal is life threatening.