Sign up now for OMXA Alerts!!!


PR Founding Father
Schedule Change? Race Cancellation? Change in Upcoming Event?

Be the 1st to know! The Ohio Motocross Association is using the REMIND notification system as an additional means of quick communication of important information!

How to sign up?
To receive messages via text, text "@omxa" to 81010.
To receive messages via email, send an email to

You can opt out at anytime! Sign Up TODAY!!!!

Need more specific information? Click on the pdf below!


  • HowtosignupforOMXAAlerts.pdf
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Whooohooooo! Almost 100 people have signed up for the OMXA Alerts!
What's this mean? Are there any spaces in text@omxa? I didn't put any...

: Remind Updates: Sorry, you can't reply to Announcements.

Reply with your teacher's code, eg. @ABC to join a class

Reply HELP for help. Msg&data rates m: ay apply
What's this mean? Are there any spaces in text@omxa? I didn't put any...

: Remind Updates: Sorry, you can't reply to Announcements.

Reply with your teacher's code, eg. @ABC to join a class

Reply HELP for help. Msg&data rates m: ay apply
Scoob, just text "@omxa" to 81010
Motocross and technology. And more communication. How terrible. Can't you guys just update your myspace account ?