What would it take to bring you back to RACING


PR Addict
Everyone has an reason (or reasons) of why you don't race, so what would it take to bring you back to racing?
Lets just say someone is going to listen and then actually make some changes to bring people back. What would bring you back, and or make you want to attend races more often?

All suggestions are welcome. No such thing as a stupid idea.
Let hear it.

fyi. this is real. Someone is willing to make BIG changes.
I was kind of just having this conversation yesterday.

For me its that your average local race theres 3-4 guys on the line in my classes (+25, open b)..thats no fun. Open b is an extra class for me as i probably fit better in C class these days lol.. so i dont expect much out of it. However, if there were 20 guys on the line i'd be confident enough I could at least be mid pack and that is a lot more fun than being 3rd or 4th out of 4....I dont know that you can fix that unless you get everyone to show up all at once. Or maybe combine more classes (we know people feel negative about that)

SO then the first responder will say "go to the battle races theN"... yes.. i get that. but those races attract the top guys, so then I go race +25 and I got gys like browning and gibson lined up next to me, also not real cool.

so for me, i get excited to go race area 51 or upcoming vet vest..because they have 25 BC and i will fit perfectly into that class.

Yeah i know dont be a pussy and jsut go race blah blah... but im there to have fun, getting spanked isnt fun id rather just go practice. I guess i dont understand why +30 guys dont also race +25 at your local races..that could prob get 10-15 guys on the gate in 25 class and id probably show up most weekends for that! I've come to the realization i cant and SHOULDNT be able to hang with 14 yr old kids in the b class anymore lol... im happy to race old ppl classes!

at least next year i can run 30+ maybe that will change things for me. long story short its not fun and makes no sense to spend the $ to race 3 or 4 guys.
There is a perfect MX race format. It's called a GP. Aside from all the woods riding they're pretty fun. Another perfect race weekend happens every year in Buchanan. The only downside is we have to drive 5 hours to get there and it usually rains.

So I had a vision. We showed up with our big bikes to race a new big bike only race that someone came up with. Open practice with transponders was from 8am to 11am. A bouncer was at the gate with a counter who only let 50 bikes on the track at once so it never got too crazy. The fastest 40 lap times raced after practice for 30 minutes. The top 20 got paid something. Everyone was home by noon.
Ill race consistently when my income breaks 6 figures after NP school. Or maybe my kid will be doing the racing by then...
Honestly I wouldn't come back to racing until medical companies cover us better. Yeah we are high risk, but we're still human and still have the same rights as others. This has nothing to do with local promoters, but still where am at and why I won't race or ride.

Also what crute said, it's no fun racing with 2-4 other guys, and its not cool lining up with guys who've held pro cards, I mean it is but it's not fun knowing you're gonna get rapped by them
Yea anymore health insurance is a bitch to get. And by get I mean, health insurance that doesn't suck....I wouldn't even ride if I wasn't 100% covered.
OK, this someone is a race promoter. What can HE do to bring you back to racing? And I doubt he is gong to buy you health insurance.
Here are a few things I suggested:
1. Less classes means more seat time and home earlier.
2. New class structure - 25+ is the perfect example. Never get more then 5, and same for "college". So why not just make it a 16+ class?
3. $15 a class for sign-up. The promoter figures out a way to reduce cost so this is possible. (you know, like a real business does)
4. Less then ten bucks to get in the gate. MAX.
5. If MX Sports can run an "A/B All-star" class then why not at the local level. Combine A and B. Bam, two less classes.
6. Offer a real track championship. Have 6 or more races per year and offer a discount for people who attend all.
7. Try charging gate fee by the car load.
You want to know something funny about the A/B All Star class?

When AMA D-12 implemented the +30C class, they called the classes +30 A/B and +30C. The AMA came to them after a few seasons and said that was not allowed -- you could not have a class that included both A and B riders "in the name." They stated that anyone that raced that class would automatically be an A class designated racer. So they changed the naming to +30 and +30C.

Just found it funny that now it's ok to use that naming without impacting the rider class designation.
Our sport is SO antiquated when it comes to the whole "Amateur" status. Supposable now you have to earn a pro licensee though this road to supercross crap or finishing so well in a few pro-am events. Yet somehow they have all but given up on the advancement system from C to B and B to A. In my mind you are not a pro when you ride "A". Even in the eyes of the all and powerful MX Sports you are still considered an Amateur. So I don't see the problem with A AND B riders racing for money. That should be up to the promoter on how they choose to reward the riders. True professional athletes are in ever sport in the Olympics. (pro as in they get paid) but they can still participate. You would think that in a sport where it is so hard to get people to start, let alone stay, they would be willing to make some big changes.
We can not afford to keep our heads buried in the sand. Our sport is clearly dying. Major changes need to happen or the local seen will be gone.

Full gates, sweeping corners, multiple passing lanes, this is why we have not raced around here and due to some injuries. I am sure there will be full gates at the upcoming East fork, Briarcliff and Chilitown remaining races this fall
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I think I'd like to race but this being my first year riding not sure about it. I've been on a track 3 times so far. With my work schedule Sundays are the only day to practice and that hasn't worked out well either. Besides I would probably be the only guy in 40+ riding a 250f and hardly jumping anything lol
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I got my ass raked over the coals for suggesting a 25/30+ BC class for the OMA... I don't enjoy getting smoked by Willy, Williard and Gibson.

i think +25 and plus 30 is redundant too. get rid of 30 and just do a 25+A and 25+ BC and skip up to 40 for the next age class. I dont think theres as big of a gap between 25 and 30 as far as rider speed, as there is 30 and 40. that would force some of the +30 regulars to the 25 class. and keep the real fast old guys out of it because theyd race +25 A

im not against making college 16-25 either, it would definitely draw in a larger number of riders which id be happy about, but it would still allow the guys that belong in an A class to enter, unless you did it a 16-25 BC but that doesnt work either.
You don't need A/B/C in any age group class. My son got lapped by Fauser (and a few others) at Chilitown in the 65 Jr. class. If you want a 30+ A class then you need a 65 Jr. A class... right? NO.
If you don't want A riders in any age class then don't offer $ payback. They are not going to sign-up in a class that is giving another plastic award. If they do, then take you beating like a man (or 8 year old)
I think I'd like to race but this being my first year riding not sure about it. I've been on a track 3 times so far. With my work schedule is days are the only day to practice and that hasn't worked out well either. Besides I would probably be the only guy in 40+ riding a 250f and hardly jumping anything lol

Some of us in the +40 get passed by 85's! (on a 450) lol


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