Anybody else ride street bikes? Lane split?


PR Addict
I have a street bike I frequently ride to work. This morning 271 was gridlock, I putted up the E lane at about 10mph. Some dude literally swerved and tried to block me. Anybody else lane split or use the E lane? Anybody get their panties wadded up about bikes doing it?
i used to do it when i was clearly stupid on my crotch rockets going way too fast. but i dont have the balls to do it now and i dont trust other people anymore, plus theres A holes like that...
I ride, but I don't lane split. Too many reasons not to, including assholes like your encounter. It is legal in California though. I am pretty sure it is illegal everywhere else.
I sat for about 40 minutes, I was hot and tired of creepIng lol. If it’s moving I don’t do it, but I find plenty of reasons to do it. Mainly when the traffic slows the damn phones come out. Constantly almost getting hit.
I try to be as legal and safe as possible on my street bike, so no lane splitting for me. With that being said, I like the idea of it and wish we could do it here.
I got a street bike a few years ago (my first ever).

I wanted one badly when I was in my late teens. I had been racing Moto since I was 12 years old and Yamaha had a Seca 750 (i wanted the red one) that had my name written all over it.
My parents always said no to a street bike but also said they couldn't stop me from buying one. I was living at home and the rule was I couldn't park / store a street bike at the house.
So I never got one.

Pulled the trigger and got one a few years ago - over 6000 miles on it here in Ohio and in Florida

Sold it last week -

I live my live not being scared to try new things, with my eye's and mind open.
I live my life to experience thrill and will always attempt new challenges with commitment.
I live my life to the fullest - and often on the edge.
I like it that way and make my own decisions any time I step towards that edge.

I'll be damned if I let someone snuff me out because of distraction or jealousy.

"Driving" now a days, seems to what people do between everything else they are doing in the car.
Ever notice - the light will turn green yet no one moves ? They're not paying attention.

Over the years - Street Bike Accidents - have taken many loved ones.

Stay safe out there brother .......
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Used to do it as an idiotic teenager on a sport bike .. sold all my street bike stuff now since Susan’s text message about the new Pumkin Spice latte is more important then my life.
Never did lane splitting. I have however gone slowly up the shoulder when traffic was stopped, just as you did. Someone always honked, said something or tried to block the lane. I just figured they were jealous. After 20 years of street riding I finally gave it up this spring. I had more close calls from distracted drivers in the last couple months then ever before. Last straw was a lady going thru a red light at about 70mph. On her phone. If I do get another street bike it will be a beat up salvage titled r3 to ride down in Kentucky or Tennessee on vacations. I will never ride the highway or commute again.
Been riding Street bikes for years. Had an R6, R1, couple Harleys. I love riding on the street with friends. We have a great time. I do not lane split, way too many idiots in the world. And you always have to be aware of the drivers around you. I saw an idiot texting on his Harley one day with his left hand. Crazy.

If I am stuck in traffic, I see nothing wrong with going up the side of the road slowly though to get through it. Those that have never rode a Harley in a traffic jam have no idea how hot they get.
I sat for about 40 minutes, I was hot and tired of creepIng lol. If it’s moving I don’t do it, but I find plenty of reasons to do it. Mainly when the traffic slows the damn phones come out. Constantly almost getting hit.

Just kick his door. And take off. First cop you see rip a wheelie. Chase stops right there.
Been riding Street bikes for years. Had an R6, R1, couple Harleys. I love riding on the street with friends. We have a great time. I do not lane split, way too many idiots in the world. And you always have to be aware of the drivers around you. I saw an idiot texting on his Harley one day with his left hand. Crazy.

If I am stuck in traffic, I see nothing wrong with going up the side of the road slowly though to get through it. Those that have never rode a Harley in a traffic jam have no idea how hot they get.
Road glide, dressed in gortex in case of rain. She was hot!
I haveh ridden street since 1986 with a few breaks here and there. I split a few times as a teenager living on the edge, way over the speed limit. Now days, I wouldn't split even if it was legal. Too many distracted idiots out there. I avoid gridlock any way possible, and will never be caught in rush hour traffic around the big cities on my bike.
Here's the wife and I three weeks ago on the dragon.


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She’s all smiles!

I had a victory kingpin 8ball. My wife liked it. But I think we had a couple close calls from idiots. Not worth it to me. Shouldn’t of sold the Bike though. Oh well.
Finger on the FB - ??
Go ahead and touch that - on that bike, at that speed & angle.
LOL- just messing with ya - photo looks great - bet it was a blast.
I've read many articles in the AMA mag about lane splitting but cannot say that I ever thought the value in it outweighed the risks. Although if I lived in an area of heavier traffic I might think differently about it.

I try to ride my bike to work every day that the weather allows and when I don't have to pick up grandkids. I have, and am, trying to slow down when I ride, particularly in the early mornings (dark). I'm learning that when a hazard, or hazardous situation presents itself, I want to have plenty of time, and room/space to react to it.

I read street and road intersections closely, especially if they're busy intersections.
You can’t even ride motorcycles in LA If you can’t lane split. BBUUTTTT.....yea eff that. I wouldn’t be riding in that congestion. Too many people can’t stay in their lane anyway. Nobody looks for motorcycles. That’s insane.
She’s all smiles!

I had a victory kingpin 8ball. My wife liked it. But I think we had a couple close calls from idiots. Not worth it to me. Shouldn’t of sold the Bike though. Oh well.
I'm actually riding a Yamaha. The shape of the headlight just flows a lot better with the bike.