Where did your # come from..

Double D

PR Founding Father
Yeah, last three digits of your AMA #
Mine had way less thought than that. I did not even have an AMA card.


I got married in 1989. At that time did not have a bike for ???? years.
(Last bike was a used 1982 rm 125, way better bike than the new KX)

I was afraid I would get crap for getting a bike, so I did it before the wedding.

I bought a 1998 KX 125 had no money, financed it. (Jerry Farrels) had to get a loan.
When I went to race it I needed a number so I had 19 payments to make before I own it! 19.

What would the interest rate be on a KX 125 dirt bike loan be today?????
When I started, It was #91. A NBL BMX number that I always had. Used it for two years and went to #250, my AMA card number. Been running it ever since.

My son always was a fan of Chad Reed. And at 4, when asked what number he wanted on his bike he said #22. Supposed it was him watching videos of races even when he was very young.
First number was 93.. wheelsports only had a 9(or 6) and 3 available so i chose 93... once i got into big bike i chose number 256 bc i live off state route 256 and no one else around here raced. Took 4 years off away from the sport completely and when i bought my new Honda, i chose number 729, the day my son was born and the most blessed day I’ve ever had.
211 - first number just because. 19, 17, 9, 23, 325 - Loretta / Ponca City numbers. 317, 224 - pro numbers assigned. 15, 11, 1 - because I had those digits laying around,
I wanted to run pi last year but figured I would have to explain it too many times.
003, 13, 11, 740

003 my dad ran in 80s. So I ran it as my first number. And re ran it on 80s.

13 and 11 were LL assignments. And just kept them at the time for a while.

740 came after Ponca city. And it’s stuck from supermini ever since. I never really see it alot. Besides Lane Staley.
I bought nick a Ktm mini adventure. It had a three on it. I asked him what number he wanted. He said well it has a 3 on it now. How about thirteen? All we need to do is add a thirt! Cracked me up!
Rocket has to copy and paste his story about 163. Him and sharc story, inspired me to start this post.
51 was my number as a kid because I was really into aliens and secret government stuff (watching too much x-files)
296 was the last 3 digits of my AMA card in the mid 90's when I thought I might be fast. I wasn't. kept the number anyway.
999 in 1979 Went to 99 in late 79. Less money for numbers for my new Yamaha 465. Shop had only 2 packs of "9's". Went A in 1980 and got 199, since 99 was taken in D6.

Used 199 except I used 719 in 82 and 83 at Ponca city

1984 I got my pro card and got 997 hated the number. Wanted 999 but someone else had it and 997 was the closest thing to my first number back in my first amature days.

I retired it as a pro after the 1987 season. I went back to 99 and ran the +25 class.

I got married in 1991and changed my number for stupid reasons. 397. I put 1,2,and 3 numbers in a hat. I pulled number 3 out. So I was gonna be a 3 digit number. So then I put 10 digits into a hat and I pulled out 3, 9, and 7.

Then in 1999 I changed it to 907. Two guys, one in Jersey and one in Conneticut had 397, so I changed it. I couldn't run the NESC or district 2 with 397, so I went to 907.

In 2009 I chose my boys number of 04. I ran that for years with a small 2 after it. ( I was 04 too! Just like my kid). Just a play on letters.

My kid is a young adult. He now runs the 997 and hopes to get a pro card next year, like me. I'm known by the 04 now everywhere I go. So that's it for what remains of my racing days. Funny thing, my cousin, a factory rider was 04 when he started in 1970. My boy was 4( RC4) but everywhere we went, people were 4. So I just made it 04 and it stuck for a long time .

BTW, my brother has held the 998 pro card since 1993, to this day as a matter of fact!! He chose it because it was one higher than his older brother, me.

Gosh, nothing to do with all the snowing here in PA. Crazy thing about numbers for me. They all are tied together somehow in a story, but I never intended them to have stories. And the 04 came back around in the most unorthodox way, since my cousin asked if Dman chose the number because of him. I said "No, but funny you mentioned it since I forgot you were the original 04 in the family."

Glad some activity on this page. It was dead all summer except for Georgie posting.....................
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When I was young I always just put the number on my bike of a Factory Racer on the same brand as me.
1984 = #95 because it was on the bike I bought

1985 = #39 for Scott Burnworth Suzuki
1986/1987 = Fat #8 for Erik Kehoe Suzuki
1988 = #19 for Johnny O'mara Suzuki
1989 = #19, just left it on and people began to know me as #19
1990 = Switched to KX and ran #26 for Jeff Matiasevich (he was actually #26 on a Kaw in 89)

Took years off to finish school.

Came back on in 1994 on 1993 CR125 and thought about running #19 or #26 again, but ended up just putting 26 and tossed a 1 at the end. 261

My vintage number #26J came from 261 being taken already in AHRMA. They assigned me #262 and I ran that for a year and thought it looked stupid so I switched to 26J
Originally #7 since it's my lucky number (cliche, I know). I was #81 two seasons in a row in football and there was a random number assignment in place for that, I liked the way it looked so I stuck with it in MX. Never put that much thought into it but 8-1=7 lol. Been thinking about going to a three digit number (#781) to get back to my roots a little but haven't been able to pull the trigger
51 was my number as a kid because I was really into aliens and secret government stuff (watching too much x-files)
296 was the last 3 digits of my AMA card in the mid 90's when I thought I might be fast. I wasn't. kept the number anyway.
Yea, your way faster now! Lol
My vintage number #26J came from 261 being taken already in AHRMA. They assigned me #262 and I ran that for a year and thought it looked stupid so I switched to 26J
When I didn't have to deal with people and was able to renew online I was finally able to use k0 as my AHRMA #. My last name sounds like K-O. I still use 913 as my GP # and jet ski #. And it is a bike # at times too. It's my lot # at Hide-A-Way Hills.
Scan066, January 26, 2005.jpg

Wish I still had this one for the new AHRMA class.