Tv land


PR Addict
saw on FB they’re done for the year. Anybody know what’s up? I heard some grumblings about the battle race now this.
On the web site it says taking a summer break and regrouping.. not sure what they means ,but tv land is one of my favorites and it would suck if it closed..:(
That stinks, boys loved riding the 2 kids tracks up there and it wasn't that far of a drive. We went almost every time they were open for practice last two years and they always had a solid turn out of riders it seemed like.
Hey all.
I’m not sure where on the bookface you saw that but, after running nonstop to prepare for the Battle here I had some equipment that was worked hard and needed some love. My daughter is here for the summer as well so combined with the energy necessary in the heat of the summer to get things decent I will only be having a few rides when the weather isn’t too brutal to work around.
The couple races that were scheduled happened so sorry for any confusion brought on by my brief break.
Thanks to everyone that comes here and enjoys themselves! The positive comments are well received and help balance the haters.
Thanks for a fun time today Trevor!

Anyone catch the name of the guy shooting pictures today? He said he was Green (something) Photography on Facebook.
Track was sweet today. I like the new changes..super fun track..thanks for the open practice. Looking forward to the next one..