Great Lakes AHRMA CC at COCR April 10, 2021


PR Elite
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So how was it?
XCCR participants filled the place at COCR. I had planned to ride the vintage class but ignition problems prevented that. Vintage ran with the youth classes basically on a good portion of the GP course. That looked like fun. The post vintage and next generation classes ran on a more "extreme" HS course with the adult classes. Thought I'd save the next gen bike for other things.
ignition problems prevented that.
Time for a PVL ?

Saw the race on the schedule. We're thick into ball season coaching two teams again, leaves zero spare time and few days off.
I feel the "damn it,,,,, I want to Race my motorcycles" thoughts growing though.
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I had to replace the PVL stator on my MX a couple years back. Side cover filled up with water and ruined it.