Langston is done announcing


PR Elite
Too bad really, he is really good IMO. Now we will get some bozo.

The CDC is ruining everything with this covid bs. Tests negative and still can't go to Ironman since he hasn't had the vaccine yet.

From July 2020
Germany-based BioNTech and Pfizer announced July 22 that the U.S. agreed to buy 100 million doses of their potential coronavirus vaccine for up to $1.95 billion. The agreement allows the U.S. to acquire an additional 500 million vaccine doses.

The very start of the FORCED vaccine and the FORCED booster shots for all the variants that will follow !

Just My opinion !
Small pox
Annual flu shots
And then people get all bent out of shape because of the Rona shot? Just get the damn shot and HOPEFULLY we can all get back to normal life.
I am not worried about getting Rona. Don’t think I ever had it. Never even been tested. And I got the shot.
“government not going to tell me to get a shot”. How stupid are you? The government SHUT DOWN the world and you can’t and didn’t do shi t about it.
Thanks to the moron no vax idiots some states are bringing back the damn mask. Speaking of, those were MANDATES made by the government. Yet people get pissed about vax mandates?
Over have the country has had the shot. Your not special. Get it or leave… wait, South African will not take you back without the shot. Guess yours screwed
Oh look, he's a "yes man", too.

Take your shot and shove it up your ass, right along with the worthless flu shot.

All the other shots mentioned went through far more testing, and most were given to us before we had a say. I'm not anti vax, but this half assed attempt (with data to show it's incompetence) at a vax is not going in my arm.

Let's get a shot for a virus, but you can still get the virus, pass on the virus, and the shot can cause more ailments than the virus itself for a healthy person. Gtfo.

I won't give anyone s**t for getting it, as anyone can do what they want if it makes them feel better mentally. Just dont try n fkn force anyone else to get it because of an opinion youve developed. Only place I gave in to the stupid mask stuff was when there was no other option, and half the time I wore one made from mesh.

I dont know why I took your bait, but I did, and I'll break the line standing up for what I believe.

Go work on a 2 stroke or something. Not that you'll ride it but still..
And your insurance should have the right to not pay a damn dime IF you get sick. You turn down the vaccine then 100% of the expense should fall on YOU. Btw I feel the same way about the other vaccines mentioned above.
oh. And its not an “opinion”. They shut down the world, ruined the economy, created even more worthless turds living off the tax payers of people that actually work.
12 months ago it was “what’s taking so long to get a vaccine?” Now “it’s not been tested enough”. Oh I guess the what, 200,000,000 people that have already had it is not enough testing? Come on man. Just get it over with. Want me to hold your hand?
Real anger and outrage should be directed to the fact this was a man made, lab created viral epidemic. Furthermore, our government has, and is still, partially responsible for it.
One of the most scandalous United States coverups in world history.

Republican House members are trying to get the truth exposed. Pelosi and the Dems refuse to let it come out.
Link: House Republicans hold own hearing on COVID-19 origins | Fox News
And your insurance should have the right to not pay a damn dime IF you get sick. You turn down the vaccine then 100% of the expense should fall on YOU. Btw I feel the same way about the other vaccines mentioned above.
oh. And its not an “opinion”. They shut down the world, ruined the economy, created even more worthless turds living off the tax payers of people that actually work.
12 months ago it was “what’s taking so long to get a vaccine?” Now “it’s not been tested enough”. Oh I guess the what, 200,000,000 people that have already had it is not enough testing? Come on man. Just get it over with. Want me to hold your hand?
Not how that works. You can still get covid even with the vaccine. Insurance not paying because you get sick. That’s not what health insurance is you clown.

It’s called stfu ck1. Get it if you want to get but don’t go on some mission like it’s your calling in life to shame the f**k outta people for not getting it.

Go hangout with the nut huggers over at Vitalmx.
Never said you couldn’t get it if you got the shot. Just saying if you don’t TRY to protect yourself then the insurance companies should have the right to deny you. Ever report to your insurance company that you have a trampoline at your house? They will not cover you if you do. Because of what COULD happen.
Im not on a mission. I’m just voicing my OPINION right Meister?? Lol
Georgie, why you mad bro? Your in that F’ed up healthcare industry that has been pushing it hard on everyone.
talk about hanging out on Vital…. I don’t like you or agree with you, so get off this site…
Never said you couldn’t get it if you got the shot. Just saying if you don’t TRY to protect yourself then the insurance companies should have the right to deny you. Ever report to your insurance company that you have a trampoline at your house? They will not cover you if you do. Because of what COULD happen.
Im not on a mission. I’m just voicing my OPINION right Meister?? Lol
Georgie, why you mad bro? Your in that F’ed up healthcare industry that has been pushing it hard on everyone.
talk about hanging out on Vital…. I don’t like you or agree with you, so get off this site…

Great last point….I’ve been doing it all wrong here. So, Here since you don’t agree with me, I’ll just change your password. It’s the vitalmx way!
And your insurance should have the right to not pay a damn dime IF you get sick. You turn down the vaccine then 100% of the expense should fall on YOU. Btw I feel the same way about the other vaccines mentioned above.
oh. And its not an “opinion”. They shut down the world, ruined the economy, created even more worthless turds living off the tax payers of people that actually work.
12 months ago it was “what’s taking so long to get a vaccine?” Now “it’s not been tested enough”. Oh I guess the what, 200,000,000 people that have already had it is not enough testing? Come on man. Just get it over with. Want me to hold your hand?
So fat people that are lazy and eat too much? Smokers? Drug addicts? Etc. should all be responsible to pay for their own insurance cost. no gatric bypass, no cancer treatment etc. unless you pay for it. Genius !!!
I won't give anyone s**t for getting it, as anyone can do what they want if it makes them feel better mentally. Just dont try n fkn force anyone else to get it because of an opinion youve developed. Only place I gave in to the stupid mask stuff was when there was no other option, and half the time I wore one made from mesh.

I dont know why I took your bait, but I did, and I'll break the line standing up for what I believe.


you'll type some words on a screen to "stand up" for your misguided belief.. very impressive. wow.

go get vaccinated.

here's some light reading if anyone is bored:
Until you’ve experienced a TRUE catastrophe related to a vaccine, I suppose you figure your good will And intent outweighs other things.

people are on board until
You, yourself, get f****d.

After that you realize, hm..hey if people want to get a vaccine fine. And if they don’t want to take the less than 1% chance of catastrophe, that’s cool too.

Don’t tell those that don’t want to get it, they’re killing people because of it. That’s not the case.
I give GL props for standing up for his beliefs. That being said he’s not in a position where the tv money is going to break him or put his life in a spiral as it may for some others. Don’t see Weege making that same move.
I won’t say either way if I got the shot or not. Don’t feel that it should matter. If you and I have a one to one about it I will share, but it isn’t my place to say one way or the other.
That being said I am not pushing my agenda on anyone else. Someone said if you feel one way or the other thy is your choice. Make it. Live or die with it. Pushing it on others isn’t going to help the situation. Show love for the sick, care for the dying, and be there for those who remain with us.
I do have a question though. People bring up other vaccines and how we have them now and don’t think twice about giving them to our children. What was it like when they introduced these vaccines? We’re people up in arms or happy and feeling saved? How did the masses react? Are we simply repeating this here currently? Did we all just go along with it because we were different then? Are we so fillies with conspiracy theories that we automatically don’t believe the government?
just crazy… hope you are remain well.
I am not getting the vaccine unless it is forced on me. My wife was basically forced by her employer to get it to do her job. My niece works in an ER. She said people come in daily with issues resulting from the vaccine. She also says there is no way in hell she is taking it.

Good friend of ours has a 21 year old son. He got the vaccine on a Wednesday and had a heart attack on Thursday. Now a month later he just spent last week in the hospital and is still having issues. He was perfectly healthy prior to the shot. These are real life stories. If you are healthy, you are probably better off eating right and taking vitamins B, C, D and Zinc.

Over 78% of those that have died of Covid have also had Obesity. Over 96% all had multiple comorbidities. Top three, Obesity, Diabetes, and Hypertension.

BTW the final FDA approval will come after the two testing periods that end in 2025 and 2027. So no, they do not know the long term affects.
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you'll type some words on a screen to "stand up" for your misguided belief.. very impressive. wow.

go get vaccinated.

here's some light reading if anyone is bored:
How about.... No.

My mesh mask was as useful as the ones Grammy was piecing together on her sewing machine.

For the record, I will say the same things to ones face that I type on here. Am I not allowed to share my beliefs now without being called dense because you dont see it the same way? I'm sorry you feel further educated than I on the matter, but let's be honest, your sources are how credible these days?

I will reiterate, you do you, but don't try and force others to align with your train of thought. Im happy for anyone who feels they're making the right decision by getting this particular vax.