Not very happy that the only racing I've got to this year has been Vintage Day's, and not one GP race. We knew this weekend was going to be sketchy as well with the weather. Regardless, I knew that if I was going to race Sunday, I desperately needed more seat time.
I usually have to remind myself to just relax, lighten up and just enjoy riding and racing, but I'm also a competitive person that loves a good track battle. And the more bikes involved, the better. So, I'm always wanting to improve the areas that I suck at. Cornering is one of those areas.
Bear in mind, even though I've been riding since I was a kid, I didn't enter my 1st dirt bike race until I was 36. And have been striving to improve ever since. And then you learn that you are on the down side of the performance bell curve for speed and improving, haha.
Sounds crazy, but I do love a good mud race. Maybe cause it's harder to do, I don't know? I knew Grear's was going to slippery this weekend so I saw my opportunity to work on cornering and railing ruts.
I love watching top riders rail a good corner rut, and I am very envious of their skill to do it and make it look easy. Truth is, it's not easy! And it's much worse when you get VERY little seat time to work on it, like me.
As usual, I was inflexible, slow, unbalanced, and uncoordinated getting warmed up yesterday.
This was a nasty corner, but had two really good, long ruts. I'm determined to get better at this!
Took me a few laps, but I settled in.
Grear's has several good corners that rut up nicely.
For some reason I could only get my brain to lay the bike over hard a couple times on this corner today. I was coming in fast, but kept coming up and climbing out. And I know it's all in my head and where my focal point is. UGH!!!
My buddy KO1 on the Chappy bike in the background, amused by my thick-headedness., haha

I know that I've posted too many pic's of airing this uphill jump, but it's just so picturesque! By this time, I had pulled in, took a little break, came back out and was finally limbering up and just flowing with the bike instead of fighting it.
Was a good day for practice riding, especially when all of the other tracks had to call off due to rain.