What’s going on up north?


PR Addict
so this weekend not sure about western reserve and how their turnout was but COCR for OMA had only 29 entries. I’ve never in my life heard of a race with so little entries ever. Even a mud race there’s been more. Curious on how many were at western because they probably get quite a bit of PA crowd based on location. I can promise you I bet COCR doesn’t have another OMA race when they get 300 plus for a buckeye series race. Then amateur supercross on Saturday had 96 entries I believe. So all the people who say “build a supercross track” “ we wanna race supercross” kinda funny no ones racing it. Everyone likes the idea of supercross tracks and wants them to be local but no ones showing up so makes no sense for track owners to spend their time and money. Southern Moto is strong like always in the buckeye series but north sounds to me like a whole bunch of trouble and everyone’s done with the drama and multiple series and that’s why they all come down to buckeye series for big gates


PR Founding Father
Agree. Too many moving parts with OMA. I think JOs focus is on his daughters racing for sure, and nothing wrong with that. I personally only care about BC because I like the facility and track. I think OMA is done, or perhaps should be. JO should add BC to the buckeye series and just put three races on their schedule. Then he gets the turnout he is looking for, makes some money, and doesn't have the hassle of the OMA sanctioning organization.

As far as SX goes, let's see how many Scott gets at CTMX for his SX. My personal opinion, SX only works if you make it $25 a class, run a good program that only takes a few hours and is run under the lights on a Saturday night. Otherwise, locally I don't think that many people are looking to ride SX.


PR Founding Father
62 sx was on my radar and its on my must do list but winning indians tickets killed that idea. The heat didn't scare me because im an oddball and thrive in 85+.

Losing northern tracks hurt the OMA. Too many sanctions trying to reinvent the wheel while still providing the same thing is what hurt the most.


PR Addict
Cocr should’ve cancelled. They had $3200 just in ambulance cost. So by my simple calculations they were probably 4-5k in the hole for the weekend.

I think 62 sx lost people by being during the day.

But I’m also starting to think Ohio has too much going on any given weekend. It’s getting back to the old ways of every track for themselves. For fucksakes there was 4 races in Ohio this weekend and all 4 under different series. Hell next weekend BC and I imagine 62 will both be open for practice and 40mins from both HH is having a race.


PR Addict
Cocr should’ve cancelled. They had $3200 just in ambulance cost. So by my simple calculations they were probably 4-5k in the hole for the weekend.

I think 62 sx lost people by being during the day.

But I’m also starting to think Ohio has too much going on any given weekend. It’s getting back to the old ways of every track for themselves. For fucksakes there was 4 races in Ohio this weekend and all 4 under different series. Hell next weekend BC and I imagine 62 will both be open for practice and 40mins from both HH is having a race.
Grears has practice too.


PR Addict
Now I do have to say I don’t think BC and route 62 being open will affect the turnout at HH. This conversation has been in the ringer for forever but I have to agree that the people who wanna race will and the people who wanna practice will practice. So the normal buckeye crowd will be there for sure. In Ohio from now on it needs to be 3 series. 1 which is obviously the buckeye series. 2 the D12 because that little area of people have a totally different crowd up there and they don’t go south instead they typically go to Michigan. Then I in the northeast. I would love to see Bcliff or ctown have pro ams again. King of the cliff and the classic. I feel we don’t have enough of them anymore


PR Founding Father
pretty sure this is amateur sx. i dont need to feel like im lining up at a1, i have no problem with it being during the day. i havent rode in 7 weeks now, but as soon as I am back into it, I plan to hit one for sure!!

being at night will probably LOSE some. plenty of guys dont want to ride at night.

i also dont want to do a night race and then drive 3 hrs home.


PR Member
Cocr should’ve cancelled. They had $3200 just in ambulance cost. So by my simple calculations they were probably 4-5k in the hole for the weekend.

I think 62 sx lost people by being during the day.

But I’m also starting to think Ohio has too much going on any given weekend. It’s getting back to the old ways of every track for themselves. For fucksakes there was 4 races in Ohio this weekend and all 4 under different series. Hell next weekend BC and I imagine 62 will both be open for practice and 40mins from both HH is having a race.
You’re starting to think? Wow your a genius! This has been the problem for years! Lol. Track owners don’t care. It’s a business and they’re trying to make as much as possible in a short period since weather gets shitty and cold fast. Some weekends they make money and some they don’t. Then you have the Loretta’s national which also sucks away riders from local races. Nothings going to change, if anything it’s going to get worse!!! Davey Coombs was on a recent podcast and said some interesting things. 1 was that moto is dying at the local level!!! Let that absorb!!!!


PR Founding Father
Coombs could care less. His target market are riders that practice 200 days a year. and race 20 days. Qualifier's, Regionals and Loretta's. Hell I look at the regional list and there are people every year on the entry and result list that absolutely NEVER race a local race.


PR Addict
pretty sure this is amateur sx. i dont need to feel like im lining up at a1, i have no problem with it being during the day. i havent rode in 7 weeks now, but as soon as I am back into it, I plan to hit one for sure!!

being at night will probably LOSE some. plenty of guys dont want to ride at night.

i also dont want to do a night race and then drive 3 hrs home.
Night racing on a supercross track would be okay. But I refuse to ride a Moto track at night way to sketchy for how high the speeds are. One rut or one rock stuck in a shadow can ruin you so fast. I totally agree you put those races at night the people it’ll affect the most is every vet class. Typically every vet rider says they will not ride at night


PR Addict
You’re starting to think? Wow you’re a genius! This has been the problem for years! Lol. Track owners don’t care. It’s a business and they’re trying to make as much as possible in a short period since weather gets shitty and cold fast. Some weekends they make money and some they don’t. Then you have the Loretta’s national which also sucks away riders from local races. Nothings going to change, if anything it’s going to get worse!!! Davey Coombs was on a recent podcast and said some interesting things. 1 was that moto is dying at the local level!!! Let that absorb!!!!
Unlike your keyboard warrior ass I’m involved from local tracks , national tracks to the fastest training facility. I highly doubt there’s anyone on PR that has there finger on the pulse of Mx than me. I make a 200-300k equipment bet every year on the health of our/my sport so please educate me.

The sport is healthy and doing well. There’s pockets that are doing better than others but overall it’s healthy.
The bigger track builders are backed up with build requests almost a year.

So far the national attendance is up and more eyes were on SX than ever.

Locally we’re in a Covid #s hangover but the numbers are still good.

The sport has changed drastically in the last 15-20 yrs. We use to not have anywhere to practice besides private tracks to having 6 tracks open on any given weekend.

So Carlisle get out of the basement and enjoy the sun at a local track. It’s not nearly as bad as you might think.


PR Founding Father
Unlike your keyboard warrior ass I’m involved from local tracks , national tracks to the fastest training facility. I highly doubt there’s anyone on PR that has there finger on the pulse of Mx than me. I make a 200-300k equipment bet every year on the health of our/my sport so please educate me.

The sport is healthy and doing well. There’s pockets that are doing better than others but overall it’s healthy.
The bigger track builders are backed up with build requests almost a year.

So far the national attendance is up and more eyes were on SX than ever.

Locally we’re in a Covid #s hangover but the numbers are still good.

The sport has changed drastically in the last 15-20 yrs. We use to not have anywhere to practice besides private tracks to having 6 tracks open on any given weekend.

So Carlisle get out of the basement and enjoy the sun at a local track. It’s not nearly as bad as you might think.
Where u goin this weekend?


PR Member
Unlike your keyboard warrior ass I’m involved from local tracks , national tracks to the fastest training facility. I highly doubt there’s anyone on PR that has there finger on the pulse of Mx than me. I make a 200-300k equipment bet every year on the health of our/my sport so please educate me.

The sport is healthy and doing well. There’s pockets that are doing better than others but overall it’s healthy.
The bigger track builders are backed up with build requests almost a year.

So far the national attendance is up and more eyes were on SX than ever.

Locally we’re in a Covid #s hangover but the numbers are still good.

The sport has changed drastically in the last 15-20 yrs. We use to not have anywhere to practice besides private tracks to having 6 tracks open on any given weekend.

So Carlisle get out of the basement and enjoy the sun at a local track. It’s not nearly as bad as you might think.
Good for you, don’t care. But thanks for letting me know that you think you’re important!!! You obviously know more than davey Coombs! Call me what you want probably makes you feel better inside! Moto in the 80’s and 90’s blow todays moto away!!! Especially the late 90’s!!! When moto was all about talent not how much money mommy and daddy had. Today you can have a smidge of talent but if family has money we will sacrifice your social skills and best time of your life so you can try and be a motocross racer professionally. Go live at a training facility where you can be groomed and miss out on high school life, girls, and fun etc!!! I see chad reeds gay family vlog with his kids, watched gay boy deegan grow up all with there parents living through there kids. They think they know what there kids want but deep down have no clue. They see all the likes and followers so the kids think they are living. Sorry but that’s not living in my eyes because about only 1% actually make it in this sport. The other 99% missed out on so much!! Then you have the ones that do make it. You’re career is coming to an end around late 20’s, as long as you stayed healthy and aren’t paralyzed or dead or shunned by the factories! Hmmmm now what do I do with the rest of my life? Oh yeah that’s right this is 2024, I’ll just open a training facility or be a trainer, brand ambassador that’s my favorite, cause I have no other skills. Hopefully I have another 30 yrs left in my life, can’t wait to see the sport then. Think it will be on ESPN? Lol . Gtfoh!!! Oh and attendance is up because of gay boy deegan!!! That’s a fact! Welcome to the world of social media motocross!!!! I just educated you!!!! Mike drop!!!!
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PR Elite
There were actually 5 races that weekend, and open practice tracks. Anyone who thinks practice tracks aren't affecting race turnouts has their head in the sand! Obviously not all practice riders are going to race but a handful would definitely race if the choice was no riding. 5 racers equals 10 gate entries, 7 race entries and some food purchases. That's a good $400 out of pocket for the race promoter. 400 is still 400. What if 10 or 20 racers showed up if close by tracks weren't practicing on top of races?

What's going on up north is too many opportunities. That's a good thing for riders choice but a bad thing for the sport. There are only a certain number of riders for the area, spread out over too many tracks means no track is doing as good as they could be.

The large national level amateur races are doing fine but the local level grass roots races aren't. One problem is local level tracks are trying to pull national level rates. Take 2 local practice track up north here. The track maintenance and prep are mediocre at best each week. No updates to either in years and I guarantee you no equipment has touched a jump face in that time either. Yet both raised the practice fee to $35 claimimg rising costs. Now take some larger tracks in the southern region, ill mention rt62 just for the sake of it since he has done a lot recently. But Eastfork has done a ton also. 62 posts over the winter about the total track rebuild, c track and pee wee track rebuild along with a new sx track. Each practice the entire track is prepped perfectly, all jump faces and landing are tracked in. His post apologizes about the need to raise rates to $35 this year. So really, why would people new to the sport or local level only type riders (which is the largest part of the sport) want to spend that much money for that? People are turning away from mx for costs and time since they can do more family oriented things for the same or less money.