

PR Founding Father
Really diggin’ what this guys doing.

Great episode here. Mxsports gets a lot of flak both sides. Listen to the history and how it came to be.

For you boomers…..increase the speed of the playback to 1.2x or 1.5x and you can cover this content quicker.



PR Member
I agree, it was a great interview. Jase does a great job, and seems able to get those on his show to talk more openly then what they normally would.


PR Elite
For you boomers…..increase the speed of the playback to 1.2x or 1.5x and you can cover this content quicker.
Must be speed listener boomer, usually 2X for me.
If you've been around the area and this sport for a long time, you've undoubtedly had encounters with the Coombs family.


PR Addict
I like Gypsy tales definitely gets the other perspective of the sport out that people wanna know but the industry doesn’t want to talk about. I don’t usually tune into the whole 3 hours but I’ll watch segments on YouTube of different conversations


PR Founding Father
I am not sure why Gypsy tales and whatever Mathis's podcast is called are 3 and 4 hours. Who has that kind of time to listen. Make them shorter hour shows.


I am not sure why Gypsy tales and whatever Mathis's podcast is called are 3 and 4 hours. Who has that kind of time to listen. Make them shorter hour shows.
I have an hour drive to work. I enjoy long podcasts especially Shawn Ryan and Gypsy Tales. When I listen to short ones I have to constantly break the distracted driving laws and find a new thing to put on. Shorter shows makes me a criminal.


PR Member
I am not sure why Gypsy tales and whatever Mathis's podcast is called are 3 and 4 hours. Who has that kind of time to listen. Make them shorter hour shows.
I drive all day for a living, love the content personally. Not all of it but man how lucky are we to get guys talking for more than a 30 second podium speech or some crappy magazine interview. Levi Kitchen dropped the F bomb regarding his dismay for the scoop fire in a post race interview. I'll take real conversation over thanking Toyota of Escondido and my girlfriend everytime.

Now WATCHING 3-5 hour pods, another story. Ain't nobody got time for that.


PR Addict
Podcast have their clips. For me I enjoy the clips cause I dont know if I could listen to 3 hours straight. But the clips are great and interesting and there straight off YouTube


PR Founding Father
It’s ok boomer. You’re a mainstream media clip viewer. (Nothin wrong with that )

Long format podcasts have no cuts and the conversation develops. And it prevents it from cut up and misconstrued. (I like Fox News too, but they’ll cut and chop to their agenda too)

Joe Rogan absolutely paved the way for this. Long format leaves no room for quick assumptions. They usually develop the thought in its entirety and it spurs other issues and conversations along the way.

I been driving an hour one way to work. And I can get a lot of them in. Keeps me awake and interested vs music.


PR Addict
James Stewart's podcast isnt bad, kinda comical sometimes.
I love js7 and his commentary because he keeps it real and some may not like that but at least he knows what he is saying and is consistent then you got Ricky that has Joe Biden moments constantly and probably shouldn’t get in the booth


PR Founding Father
I think Ricky knows what he’s seeing. His vocabulary isn’t announcer-esque.

old pro level racers make the best commentators. Professional announcers supplement them in my opinion. But…I’d rather have the former pros announcing than Ralph shaheeners


PR Addict
I think Ricky knows what he’s seeing. His vocabulary isn’t announcer-esque.

old pro level racers make the best commentators. Professional announcers supplement them in my opinion. But…I’d rather have the former pros announcing than Ralph shaheeners
I never got why we just now are letting weege run the show. I think he should of had the job years ago because he knows all the information for the job and actually been around the sport unlike the British people nbc throws in there that we have no clue who they are