Wayne national forest


PR Addict
Tell me about it please. I have never been. Buddy is taking me down, Logan might tag along too, on his 85.
What to do, what not to do, any thing you got please.


PR Addict
I've never been, but I've never heard anything good.
I'd be especially weary on a long holiday weekend.
Don't forget you need an Off Road sticker...


PR Addict
Always been told be very cautious because the trails aren’t one way and watch out for oncoming traffic cause not everyone knows how to ride


PR Addict
I'll mention perry to my buddy this morning. It's actually closer by 3p mins didn't realize I was that close to either of them lol. I'm just along for the ride so I'll end up where ever his truck takes me.


PR Addict
Glad you had a better time than i did. I high sided, and i was flying thru the air, i hit a tree that had fallen, sticking up in the air at an angle, caught it with my right hip and went rolling down into a ravine, hip is swollen and black and blue lol. Besides that it was a killer day.


PR Addict
Glad you had a better time than i did. I high sided, and i was flying thru the air, i hit a tree that had fallen, sticking up in the air at an angle, caught it with my right hip and went rolling down into a ravine, hip is swollen and black and blue lol. Besides that it was a killer day.
Yeah didn't have none of that thankfully. Glad my buddy had his phone on him as I would have been way lost lol.


PR Founding Father
If you're strictly on two wheels, check on the Long Ridge riding area. A lot more single track there, less crowded and more fun in my opinion than Door Run area..


PR Founding Father
Way back in the early 80s we started going to Wayne National, Richland Furnace and Perry. Richland Furnace was great, then they started logging a lot of it.

909 in Southern KY was fun riding, but you had to watch out for the rail buggies down there.


PR Addict
If you're strictly on two wheels, check on the Long Ridge riding area. A lot more single track there, less crowded and more fun in my opinion than Door Run area..
We parked at Monday creek trail head. After a light lunch at the truck we went up passed the restroom up a ridge. That's where I found some single track. I loved it on the 250, buddy did not enjoy it as much wrestling aid his drz400