Who else thinks Bubba and Ricky need replaced in the booth with Justin Bratton and AC9?
Only one I can’t stand is diffy I get he’s nbcs puppet but I’d much rather have dudes who have experience and went thru the events announce than a random person. About as much as I think that dude with the glasses and stats is annoying. Push mute when he starts talkingI’ve only really disliked Ralph shaheen. Everyone else no issues. Daniel Blair is really good but he pissed off to many guys. As much as Ricky stutters and hangs up I think his input is valuable. Don’t mind diffy. I dunno. Whatever.
Roczen said he was sick all week so just under the radarHow bout Hammaker winning. Didn't see that coming. What happened to Roczen? I was there but i missed it apparently. Too many sodas i guess
Yeow!! What a sweet idea with the jersey swap, Hammaker been a favorite of mine for a while being an east coaster.Son had a pretty good results. Lesher is mailing him a jersey also.
He is awesome young man, my son met him back in 2018. We saw him at Loretta's that year also. He came down and helped get him on the line for his first moto. He still responds to him on Instagram, and his mom is the sweetest of people.Yeow!! What a sweet idea with the jersey swap, Hammaker been a favorite of mine for a while being an east coaster.