I can't remember you on a Husky back then , Tom . My 81 CR450 Honda was left kick and I remember a harescramble at the old Gran Prix Raceway . So many guys kept jumping the start that Steve Wagner made us go dead engine . The hill sloped the wrong way and I couldn't even get my foot on the kicker let alone start the bike . I turned the bike around , facing the opposite direction , and watched the flag over my shoulder . Fortunately it started on the first kick when the flag dropped , I leaped on , spun it around , and took off . There was so much chaos from bikes not starting and such that I actually got to the first turn about 10th ( out of almost 100 bikes ) and got 3rd in my class that day . Now I have a 75 Husky 250WR and an 84 Husky 500CR and both are , of course , left kickers .