OMA-District X

I hear what you guys are saying, but OHMX (PAMX if you will) were seasoned veterens also. The Coombs have been doing this for awhile I believe. What make you think you will sucseed where they failed?

I guess my point there is that we wont fold up mid-year and screw people over. Jason and I will see it through. And I dont think you can just do it one year, and expect it to reach its potential in one year. The Coombs do have a wealth of experience, but I think Jason and I will also do better job, because we are regular guys and we still ride and race. Does anyone running racer productions actually race? FYI, OHMX was headed up by Jeff Cernics.
Does anyone running racer productions actually race? FYI, OHMX was headed up by Jeff Cernics.

I used to race against Jeff on a regular basis back in the day, along with Davey and Timmy Coombs. And Darryn Durham's dad Chris, and JP Bunting, Joe Javersak, the McConnell's sisters Dad, John, Jim Queen, Emery Anden, James Knisley, and a host of other D5 regulars. I knew of Jeff as a racer long before I knew of him as a shop owner.
I used to race against Jeff on a regular basis back in the day, along with Davey and Timmy Coombs. And Darryn Durham's dad Chris, and JP Bunting, Joe Javersak, the McConnell's sisters Dad, John, Jim Queen, Emery Anden, James Knisley, and a host of other D5 regulars. I knew of Jeff as a racer long before I knew of him as a shop owner.

"Was" a racer is different than "is". I will close up the day I cant ride my own track anymore. You gotta learn to pass the torch.
I wonder how many people want longer moto's. You want to set up a poll with 4 options of what OMA should be like and see what people vote?

a.) Long moto (15 minutes, or 12 minutes + 1)
b.) Full Gate staggers with minimal gate drops.
C.) Same amount of Classes as traditional
d.) less amount of classes as traditional.

You can put whatever you want in there, but I'm curious on if Racers really want something different or they want the same business they've been getting in other sanctioning bodies. Seems like it's 50/50. Some people still wanna race 4-6 guys in their own 1st moto 4 lap, 2nd moto 3 lap race....and then there's others (like myself who specifically don't race because of this reason) that want 1 longer moto's or 2 and full gates/minimal gate drops etc.
If you want longer motos, then race the GP series.

I'm a firm believer that Motocross racing has evolved into what it is today and there really is no going back. 4-5 lap motos are acceptable to me and a reasonable class list works too.
I honestly have more fun racing 4 lap motos and doing 2 or 3 classes than I do racing one class of long motos.

Something else I forgot to mention before. Somehow D-12 was able to pull off running two rounds of practice in the morning. That was awesome!
^^ good read pit.

There are numerous AM national events held all year long, with two/three motos, a week long of racing, and stacked gates. People just dont want to travel, and use the extra time to attend these.

What i think people seem to forget is, It doesn't matter what this sanction is called. CRA/AMA/OMA/OHMX, its still local events. When you have local events, you have local people wanting to just have fun. As well as the guys that are trying to make MX a career, which makes it tough to balance both of those out.

Not everyone is in MX for 15 lap motos and 40 man rider gates, there are people that just want to go out and race for fun on the weekend. Im afraid all this talk will scare those people away, and we will have more riders on the Saturday practice then the sunday race.
4 lap motos are fine. Full gates and shorter days are what I would want in a new series. Somehow places like Muddy Creek can have 900 riders over many classes and still finish in a reasonable amount of time. I think they start racing at like 9:30 though, and they don't waste any time.
It's funny how everyone views of motocross is different.

It's possible to get a practicer to the race track. I think it's going to be more than a challenge to get them to the gate on raceday.

Everybody was all excited about a revolutionary change in the What-if post...and now we're back to the same racing we've seen. 25 classes and not enough daylight.
It's funny how everyone views of motocross is different.

Everybody was all excited about a revolutionary change in the What-if post...and now we're back to the same racing we've seen. 25 classes and not enough daylight.

Exactly my thought. Somehow we went from a handful of "Must Attend" events to a possible 30-race schedule.

Be Innovative, do your own thing, dont fall into the trap of trying to please everyone. If it doesnt work then go back to ol' faithful. WE WANT CHANGE!
I beg to differ. We are making it so you don't have to run 30 races. I think we said that we would take your 15 best, and that's not a minimum either. So if someone wants to run them all so be it. If somone wants to run just the spring series, summer series, and the battle, there is 15 races. If you don't care about end of year awards, just do series. I think were leveling the playing field compared to current sanctioning body options.
We are gonna have cool one-off awards and swag for each series, as well as a big end of the year blow out.

You guys are jumping the gun. We haven't even told you the whole story yet. Sit tight, Alot of goodness to come.
If my memory serves me, I announced the Battle for Ohio date near this time last year, I promised that it was "must attend". We had nay-sayers then too. I dont think half the cats are out yet, and more keep getting in there everyday.
Definitely cut the amount of classes! Try for 5 lap motos ! Get full gates on the drops !

Tell the rest of those damn cats to hurry up! Lol
I will note that we cut about 10 classes from the list of potential classes. I think its a fair compromise. As far as laps go, we will more than likely try to run 4 without cutting the second moto's. I think the key is quality events at quality tracks. Dont get hung up on pipe dreams, we want this to REALLY work like everyone else does.

For all you dreamers out there, I will be putting on King of the Cliff in 2013. Here's your chance to be a bad a$$. And there will only be the following classes offered: 65 and under (Micro King), 85cc (Mini King), Vet King (30+), Quad King (big quads only), and King of the Cliff (open big bike). You want 15 minute motos, you got it. We will find out who's just a talker and who is a walker. If I get a couple groups trying to qualify for it, and 3 of 5 are full gates (or real close), we will do more of this. More to come.
I will note that we cut about 10 classes from the list of potential classes. I think its a fair compromise. As far as laps go, we will more than likely try to run 4 without cutting the second moto's. I think the key is quality events at quality tracks. Dont get hung up on pipe dreams, we want this to REALLY work like everyone else does.

For all you dreamers out there, I will be putting on King of the Cliff in 2013. Here's your chance to be a bad a$$. And there will only be the following classes offered: 65 and under (Micro King), 85cc (Mini King), Vet King (30+), Quad King (big quads only), and King of the Cliff (open big bike). You want 15 minute motos, you got it. We will find out who's just a talker and who is a walker. If I get a couple groups trying to qualify for it, and 3 of 5 are full gates (or real close), we will do more of this. More to come.

I have never been to the cliff. I was on my way out of the sport as the cliff was coming up. So I am not.sure of how your operation is ran. But I can say it sounds like you have some awesome ideas that sound like something you would hear coming out of other states instead of a stale feeling Ohio scene.

I am curious to know what A/B/C classes a guy 125 or 250 two stroke can run. I am 31 so I can plant my but in a vet class.