Karnow needs everyone’s help ! Lost his title sponsor


PR Addict
Just heard about this! Terrible!!! Hopefully he can finish the rest of the series. He’s been doing great!
To ghost a rider that you're sponsoring is inexcusable. If you're bailing, an explanation is warranted.
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To me, that looks like a cover up type post from motozone.. time will tell..

Can anyone tell me what or who motozone even is?
I believe the main sponsor is a roofing company or something like that. Motozone is just the name of the team they created.
I believe the main sponsor is a roofing company or something like that. Motozone is just the name of the team they created.
Did he use metal roof on his house vs. dimensionals?

That sucks man. Hopefully it wasn't anything blatant and he can pick up another sponsor soon. Schnit happens...
I don’t know the kid or the situation. But relying on a “team” that is one rider and a few small sponsors is a rough way to go.
Now, finance yourself, get results and he will find a real team.
Terrible to hear this news. Hopefully he can figure something out. Unfortunately I think your going to see more of this this year and the class entries and gates will get lighter. With the inflation and cost of everything, unless there family is independently wealthy, your going to see the privateers finally realize that the cost and risk does not out weigh the reward. I highly doubt the ama is going to up the purse money so that the privateer can afford it. Diesel is 5.73 here in the south and expected to start going up 10cents a day! Joe and the hoe are saying “ how you like me now”