Time to complain about supercross tracks!!


PR Addict
Seasons over and obviously this year weather was not friendly leaving with tons of wet tracks leading to really soft and rutty conditions. However I think supercross track builds are going backwards. The 9 whoop thing is horrible. There the best guys in the world and the biggest separator is the whoops. I remember Oakland a few years about have a huge whoop section a corner then dragons back into a corner and another whoop section. Separates the men and the boys. Another thing the took out is dragons backs. I mean all these dudes ride tracks throughout the weeks with big whoop sections, dragons back, etc. it doesn’t separate them like it used to. Like Glendale usuals has some decent sets and had one 9 whoop set. I think they need to change it back plus all the top guys want the whoops it’s the difference maker.
Watched a track walk video with Josh Hill in Denver. He was saying how bad the track was and that you could use motocross suspension on a supercross tracks. None of the jumps are peaked anymore and there is no real consequence if you come up short. To really put things in perspective the futures class can do everything the 450 class is doing for the most part.