Anaheim 1.

Don't like the gate.....I like a full gate of guys bar to bar rolling off the gate. They should not change the start like that.
To be honest I can't wait to see how it turns out going into the 1st turn. I prefer a traditional start gate but something like this every once in a while is a good idea. Keeps things fresh.
Canard will fly off the side of the tunnel and take out the riders on the gate.

I thought that was seely that flew off the side one before, but maybe I'm mistaken. With Trey's luck though who knows...hope he gets a few wins this year.
I must have short term memory loss because I completely forgot about Trey's crash lol. Judging by the videos Trey will take out the riders on the left side and Seely will get the guys on the right side :D.