OMA's 125 class?

We bought a 125 this year just to race in AMA schoolboy 1 as we transition from the mini to big bikes in the next couple of years. I really like the AMA's versions of schoolboy 1 12-16, and 125 12-16 which is basically the same class…..not having two similar classes in the OMA can totally understand.

I feel like these are great transition classes to get used to the bigger bikes for kids. I have to admit that we were really bummed when we heard about the OMA letting 250f run in that class, and 144 in the 125 class. We have a 125 and it just can't keep pace with 4t power of a 250. I don't really get having AMA sanctioned races/rules sometimes, then changing the class structure for OMA. Seems like a lot to keep up with, doesn't it?

I'd bet the AMA type class rules were bent in the OMA because some of the Track Owners/Local Race teams with kids on 250fs don't want to go back to 2 smokers. So, in an effort to make sure their kids can still ride the 250f against other youthin OMA, they changed the rules….Boo to that!

Smokers are going away fast enough, leave the 250f in schoolboy 2 or 250C already, is nothing sacred…….Geesh!
I totally agree on leaving the 250f out of the schoolboy class. That was goal of AMA with their rule change on 250F age restrictions. I would be interested in Alex's option on the OMA schoolboy class.

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I'd bet the AMA type class rules were bent in the OMA because some of the Track Owners/Local Race teams with kids on 250fs don't want to go back to 2 smokers. So, in an effort to make sure their kids can still ride the 250f against other youthin OMA, they changed the rules….Boo to that!

Tony, as co-founder of the OMA I can assure you nothing is further from the truth. If fact our OMA class structure was in place two years before we brought the AMA on board for the Battle series. We started the 125 class last year at Malvern night series as a trial run to see how it would do. Those numbers for that class indicated that it could be a viable full time class for 2016. Actually other than Jeremy at Chillitown (when the classes were drafted his son was still on an 85) I think I am the only track owner that has riders in these classes. Both my sons have 125's.
If you want reliability keep the stock bore!!! But if you want your child to be competitive, you better cheat!! Local track promoters know it's goin on, and they really don't care! They just want the money!! One a cheater, always a cheater!! And yes, 19cc is a huge difference Hershey!!! My kid had been cheated since he was on 50's!!! It'll never stop, unless people start protesting! Put he money down, and protest. Even if it costs a friendship! And kinda funny local promoters sell 125's with 144's in them . Obviously this is why they raised the cc limit! Locals promoters usually change rules to suit their kids/riders

I really don't have a problem with OMA being a 150 class.

I do have a problem when rides race outside of OMA on bikes that are over 125cc. I know two rides that raced big bores at the LL qualifier at Malvern. Sad part is do I protest a friend at the regional, or do I allow a friend to cheat my son at the regional. :mad:
I wish someone would protest our
Oem bikes, my wallet is rather lite with all these rebuilds. I'll make an announcement when we hit 20 hrs on the next topend.
Cheater/Mod bikes are a waste of money. Spend that money and time on a good suspension and seat time. Hands down seat time is the best money spent. Being confident on the bike in any situation is how you stay safe, to ride another day.
Cheater/Mod bikes are a waste of money. Spend that money and time on a good suspension and seat time. Hands down seat time is the best money spent. Being confident on the bike in any situation is how you stay safe, to ride another day.
Until you're racing a kid on equal skill level as yourself. "There's no replacement for displacement"

And if their your friend or not.....protest. And protest the top 3 as well. Or every SOB you know is cheating. You can hear it! And do it In a random moto. Or even a consi. If you're cheating then you're cheating.

@DDWhen I holeshot on alessi we were running an open CC super modified no limits class. And at the time bud Mamone knew a little more about speed than LEM. It was a cheater class. And we were the biggest Cheater. But if it was unlimited were we really cheating ?
Tony, as co-founder of the OMA I can assure you nothing is further from the truth. If fact our OMA class structure was in place two years before we brought the AMA on board for the Battle series. We started the 125 class last year at Malvern night series as a trial run to see how it would do. Those numbers for that class indicated that it could be a viable full time class for 2016. Actually other than Jeremy at Chillitown (when the classes were drafted his son was still on an 85) I think I am the only track owner that has riders in these classes. Both my sons have 125's.

Fair enough……Thanks for the reply, I will take you at your word. Awesome job with the LLQ last weekend By the way! It wasn't the best situation ever, yet we thought you guys did an excellent job given the circumstances!

For future consideration - lose the 250f in schoolboy 1 or make 125 125cc and under
I feel like letting the 250f and or big bore in these classes just encourages cheaters and ruins the 125 class. I have a 144 for our 125 but i refuse to install it right now. If my boy can do well on that 125, I feel he can do well on anything, and i will not teach him to cheat! The point is we are in transition anyway. I just wish he didn't have to worry about getting blown out by 250fs and big bores off the start or some 250f rider hucking a big jump that the 125 can't make without cheating or a boatload of expensive mods. Besides that, I believe in momentum, and that levels the playing field after the start anyway.
Momentum is where the 144 truly shines!!

I need a numbers guy: what was the average attendance of the 125 class in the OMA? My whole 105-150 argument is the same for making a BC class. Keeps the local racing slightly more competitive and doesn't damage your national run ability. You'll be thanking yourself later at big ama races knowing you were forced to ride harder in this local class. But even the. The local class doesn't pull full gates. Restricting it to 125 only just eliminates riders from 13-20 to on the gate every local race to 3-8. And when I see 8 signed up I'm going home after practice. I don't want to race 3-8 people.
Restricting it to 125 only just eliminates riders from 13-20 to on the gate every local race to 3-8. And when I see 8 signed up I'm going home after practice. I don't want to race 3-8 people.


I know a lot of people only care about keeping classes as fair as humanly possible, meaning lets make a 125cc class with a maximum weight of 275 pounds combined rider bike weight, with a maximum of 12 psi in the tires, and your reed cage cannot have reeds with more than 60% of its orginal ridigity. Yes its a word, dont bother looking it up.

The OMA wants fair competition, but there has to be a balance, as with everything in life. We set up these classes not just for the Chilli Town and Malvern big events, but we also need these classes at all of our events. Not every track can afford to tell people no, sorry you have a 144 kitted 125, you cant race. The sport just isnt back to a level where we can be stingy on class requirements. We need every racer. Fuller gates, more competition. Isnt that what has been preached on here for years? I think our 125 class is a fair and fun class for people to race. I think getting caught up in the big bore nonesense is silly. I bet Jeff Gibson would have no trouble on a stock 125 against fully ported 144s. Why? Because hes super smooth and rails the corners while the kids are coasting.

I know a lot of people only care about keeping classes as fair as humanly possible, meaning lets make a 125cc class with a maximum weight of 275 pounds combined rider bike weight, with a maximum of 12 psi in the tires, and your reed cage cannot have reeds with more than 60% of its orginal ridigity. Yes its a word, dont bother looking it up.

The OMA wants fair competition, but there has to be a balance, as with everything in life. We set up these classes not just for the Chilli Town and Malvern big events, but we also need these classes at all of our events. Not every track can afford to tell people no, sorry you have a 144 kitted 125, you cant race. The sport just isnt back to a level where we can be stingy on class requirements. We need every racer. Fuller gates, more competition. Isnt that what has been preached on here for years? I think our 125 class is a fair and fun class for people to race. I think getting caught up in the big bore nonesense is silly. I bet Jeff Gibson would have no trouble on a stock 125 against fully ported 144s. Why? Because hes super smooth and rails the corners while the kids are coasting.

I get the numbers game, everyone has to make a living, but comparing Jeff Gibson long time pro and AX champion to a kid in schoolboy 1 class is just silly.
Tony, as co-founder of the OMA I can assure you nothing is further from the truth. If fact our OMA class structure was in place two years before we brought the AMA on board for the Battle series. We started the 125 class last year at Malvern night series as a trial run to see how it would do. Those numbers for that class indicated that it could be a viable full time class for 2016. Actually other than Jeremy at Chillitown (when the classes were drafted his son was still on an 85) I think I am the only track owner that has riders in these classes. Both my sons have 125's.
I know that I requested to Jason at the end of last year that the new 125 class include the KTM 144. We had just picked up a used one in the fall, and although still a bit big for my son, thought he'd give it a go.

I think the OMA 125 class is fine as-is. As a matter of fact, the KTM 144 was giving us some trouble at the Malvern opening race a few weeks ago so my son raced his super mini in the 125 class and did just fine against the bigger bikes.

I know a lot of people only care about keeping classes as fair as humanly possible, meaning lets make a 125cc class with a maximum weight of 275 pounds combined rider bike weight, with a maximum of 12 psi in the tires, and your reed cage cannot have reeds with more than 60% of its orginal ridigity. Yes its a word, dont bother looking it up.

The OMA wants fair competition, but there has to be a balance, as with everything in life. We set up these classes not just for the Chilli Town and Malvern big events, but we also need these classes at all of our events. Not every track can afford to tell people no, sorry you have a 144 kitted 125, you cant race. The sport just isnt back to a level where we can be stingy on class requirements. We need every racer. Fuller gates, more competition. Isnt that what has been preached on here for years? I think our 125 class is a fair and fun class for people to race. I think getting caught up in the big bore nonesense is silly. I bet Jeff Gibson would have no trouble on a stock 125 against fully ported 144s. Why? Because hes super smooth and rails the corners while the kids are coasting.
Once again, I have know problem with the OMA's 125 class being a 150cc class. I do have a problem when they run other sanctioning bodies true 125 class and are still on big bores. Jeremy, I think you would agree with that, correct?
Oh no doubt, if another class ran anywhere is supposed to be a stock 125cc class and its the rules that it must be a stock 125cc class, then yes, people racing 144s are definitely in the wrong.

And the example with Jeff Gibson above to merely show that you can go fast without increasing the bore of your machine, corner speed is crucial on the tiddler. Heck just keeping fresh reeds and get your jetting spot on, adjusting the air screw everyday.......many many things you can do to keep your 125 running awesome.
i have a 125 and should i ever decide to ride the 125 class, i dont care if theres 150s. isnt going to affect my finish 1 bit either way im sure. if im a better rider than someone on a 125 id bet i can be a better rider than them on a 150. i just plan on getting beat by a bunch of fast little kids and getting last anyways so no concerns here.