Beans. 4/23&4/24

Thanks place is looking good and got more to do . Only going to get better and it's really good now!!!
Thanks for coming all those years BJ
We had a blast saturday. Always is a good track to me, I head your way every chance I get. I absolutely love that peaky double by the start, its got a short landing, but flows really good when you hit it smooth. Keep up the hard work!

Anyone know who was 307 on the rmz450 saturday? He was quick and was staying SUPER low off everything, really smooth too.
Should a old vet rider who dosent enjoy jumping big jumps stay away from this place?
Old Vet will like the width - plenty of room to move over on the jumps if you're not jumping.
Old Vet will like the hills = Real, fun dirt-biking

Old Vet will dream of slowly working up to a full lap with all jumps included.. and when it happens, it's a beautiful feeling.
Beans has great flow, rhythm, elevation change.
Hey BJ, any chance you will open again this Wednesday? I have a couple of guys committed if you open.
Well said Sharc, I want to open weds but got track sealed up for the weekend. Rain looks likey this week. Will try next week. Once my boy is out of school ,leaves in full bloom,more mulch,sand and pond dug out witch will be in about a month. I will be open every Wednesday Dave. The track will be so good and word spreads we will have great weds night practices. Had a lot of people telling me this weekend best track in Ohio,I said wait till I am done.
Bitchin track today BJ. Any idea who the girl was taking pictures?
Probably my wife, hoping I'd work up the nerve to get off the ground... Healing from a broken wrist, riding scared. I think she was taking pics of just my son and I. If u c her out there again just ask her to snap a few. Track was great, coming from someone who never rides mx!
Thanks fox. Does he run A? I loved his style

I met him for the first time at Beans a couple weeks ago and got some of his back round while we were waiting on a crash to get cleared from the track. He did race in the A class 6 or 7 years ago and had a major injury. He took basically 5 or 6 years off and is just now getting back into it.
Probably my wife, hoping I'd work up the nerve to get off the ground... Healing from a broken wrist, riding scared. I think she was taking pics of just my son and I. If u c her out there again just ask her to snap a few. Track was great, coming from someone who never rides mx!

Welcome to PR Brian !
I'm thinking this is you. Correct?

I'm kinda glad she wasn't taking pics of everyone. If she was, she may have a few more embarrassing pics of my 'sand sandwich'...I'm pretty sure she watched me bite it. HaHa.

BJ, thanks for another GREAT day of riding at the best track in Ohio !
Welcome to PR Brian !
I'm thinking this is you. Correct?

I'm kinda glad she wasn't taking pics of everyone. If she was, she may have a few more embarrassing pics of my 'sand sandwich'...I'm pretty sure she watched me bite it. HaHa.

BJ, thanks for another GREAT day of riding at the best track in Ohio !
Not us, son and I are on kx250f's
Should a old vet rider who dosent enjoy jumping big jumps stay away from this place?
The best advice I can give is to head on over to Bean's and make your own opinions. I can tell you it's one of my favorite tracks. I'm a vet rider who rides with a few half century old guys who love Beans as well. BJ pours so much time, effort and money into his track(as many track owners do). Head on over and check it out, it's a wonderful track.