Summit week ..


PR Addict
Been two years since we had summit indoors In our lives …Role call who’s in? Let’s go Brandon!!! Hahahahaha See ya there.
Still time for the Covid police to step in and stop it. OSU just closed down all concessions at winter sports, and are now requiring masking at all times. So crazy.
Had it on the calendar, but Spencer getting tubes and adenoids out Wednesday morning. Not thinking he's going to be up to it by Thursday for practice. Need to hit a Ram Jam type of facility before dropping him on the indoor gate... We'll get to Feb. race maybe.
Had it on the calendar, but Spencer getting tubes and adenoids out Wednesday morning. Not thinking he's going to be up to it by Thursday for practice. Need to hit a Ram Jam type of facility before dropping him on the indoor gate... We'll get to Feb. race maybe.
Hope all goes well for the little guy!
if i dont head south this weekend to enjoy some 40 degrees in the carolinas, ill be there to spectate! always a good time.