Recent content by Vet261

  1. Vet261

    Winter Projects Re-re-re-re-visited

    Wow, was searching for something on google and this thread showed up. Brings back lots of good memories.
  2. Vet261

    Team USA ISDE Fundraiser Ride Day - Crow Canyon 7-13

    Come out and have a good time and support a good cause!
  3. Vet261

    2023 MERP Grand-Prix Series

    I included all my Motley Crue cassettes when I sold my RMZ hahahaha
  4. Vet261

    2023 MERP Grand-Prix Series

  5. Vet261

    Chase Sexton mental issues

    Never seen Meister or Robinson trying to win 450SX title either!
  6. Vet261

    Chase Sexton mental issues

    Curse of the CRF450
  7. Vet261

    Kawasaki Colors

    They should go back to the rear-fender number plates!
  8. Vet261

    2023 MERP Grand-Prix Series

    Matt -- you are definitely your Father's son! Haha.
  9. Vet261

    2023 MERP Grand-Prix Series

    We actually had a semi-plan put together in case I wanted to hit GA on way home from FL. Then I saw weather forecast and was like yeah forget all that. I think the biggest thing about actually going to and racing a GNCC is realizing how big of prima-donna pussies we are in MX. We prance...
  10. Vet261

    2023 MERP Grand-Prix Series

    Yepper! It was tough to say the least. I lost track of how many times I fell in the sand.
  11. Vet261

    2023 MERP Grand-Prix Series

    Sport tags are less expensive because you don't have to purchase a subscription with them. The one time purchase price of the unit is about the same. ($90 for sporttag, $105'ish for Mylaps with one year subscription). However you then have to renew your MyLaps every year. Jeez I think I've...
  12. Vet261

    Svr march 25-26

    Farm fields across the street part of the practice loop? ;) I know they aren't...but damn that was fun.
  13. Vet261

    Congratulations Meister!

    Nice job! Did you get any takers on the YZ yet?
  14. Vet261

    Stupid fees

    Daytona RCSX is the most ridiculous fees I've ever seen. And they have waiting lists for RCSX! Pay Pay Pay!
  15. Vet261

    Ken Roczen

    Good to see him win, regardless of what brand he was on.