Recent content by Toddco327

  1. Toddco327

    Deegan News

    He’s stuck in a truck run off ramp. Was going downhill fast… all gas no brakes. CB on the Fritz too…
  2. Toddco327

    Deegan News

    I’m sure this thread will go off the rails in 2-3 posts. But here it goes… I think it’s all to convenient that Deegan got “arrested”. I don’t know all the details but a kid is doing donuts in a parking lot and gets arrested. Then 2 days later has a “merch” drop with the picture. I get he...
  3. Toddco327

    Lost Another Track

    And how was it?!?!
  4. Toddco327

    Lost Another Track

    I’ll do some more homework and see about practice.
  5. Toddco327

    Lost Another Track

    New track I found out about called Crossroads MX in New London Ohio. Near the Norwalk area. It’s nice to finally have something on the west side of cleveland.
  6. Toddco327

    Buddscreek LLAQ

    Good luck!!!! Hopefully it’s warm for you guys down there!
  7. Toddco327

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    I’ll be there announcing. Stop and say Hi! Love to meet a pit person in person lol
  8. Toddco327

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Thank you very much for coming out!
  9. Toddco327

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    There was a Meister sighting at the Indoors on Friday! You never know where he might pop up at. Not riding but spectating!
  10. Toddco327

    Supercross Results

  11. Toddco327

    Summit Indoors Round 2 Feb 21-22

    I wouldn’t even have to prep the track. We would all just end up talking the whole time and maybe do 2 laps lol
  12. Toddco327

    Supercross Results

    I have noticed that there have been a lot less ruts in jump faces and between the jumps. Yes there has been some but not as bad as years past.
  13. Toddco327

    Supercross Results

    I agree the technical aspect is a separator. But, is the separator for some and not for others, the reason for all of the injuries? There isn’t going to be a one size fits all strategy but I think step one could be removing some tuff blocks and just adding some chalk lines.
  14. Toddco327

    Supercross Results

    Survival of the… last man standing. It’s sad to see the state of the field after only 5 rounds. But it’s not the remaining rounds that it effects, it’s also the outdoor season. Question begs asking, what could change with the tracks and SX that would help with injuries? Are the tracks to...