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  1. S

    Who to support, who to avoid

    I remembered this when I logged onto Pitracer and there was an REI ad on the side. Hurts me not to replace my worn out Camelback but the Klim on the way will work and support the sport.
  2. S

    I wish we could still ride motocross

    Went to OIR for a practice and had to contend with a bunch of circus trick lips on jumps and piles of dirt in the middle of perfectly fine racetrack. Didn't think I needed to post anything here about it but then read this, the de-motocrossing of motocross, on the international level"...
  3. S

    Sturd Ranch and Raceway

    Not sure where to post this so ... This Sunday is the 25th Sturd Ranch and Raceway Mini Bike Classic. Amateurs on the short track, Pros get a GP for the first time ever. Kids can ride around and learn to ride for a couple hours after. Practice at 1, races at 2:30, grills fired up by...
  4. S

    Congresscritters maybe doing something really interesting?

    My buddy Jim, who lives in AR, went riding with this Griffin guy last weekend. Stolen from the AMA::: May 10, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media contact: James Holter Phone: (614) 856-1900, ext. 1280 E-mail: []...
  5. S

    WR250 shifter

    I have an example of the last of the 2 stroke WR250s, a 1997 that I totally love. Awesome trail bike. It has a lot of hours on it and one thing I've never fixed properly is that the shifter, being aluminum, doesn't really stay tight. I can tighten it up before a ride and by 2 hours in...
  6. S

    Dual sport rides

    Was looking for dual sport opportunities since the boy will have a license in early summer and found this: Looks fairly comprehensive.
  7. S

    What really causes health care costs to rise Really long but really informative. You can disagree with the conclusions, I only agree with some of them, but you can't read this without wondering why our representatives haven't made policy decisions...
  8. S

    Smith Rd. Vintage?

    Vintagemx discussion board seems to think maybe we could get enough bikes for a class again. Maybe the race before AMA comes for a vintage event so we locals have some advantage! If we have 6-7 bikes ready to race at sign up, do we get a class? [directed to the new owners who's name is...
  9. S

    Stuff trail riders should be thinking about, even though it's not about a riding area The Feds do a lot of stupid stuff. They also do some stuff I sort of wish they would continue to do. The link above falls well into the realm of stuff I need to do something about it's so against what I think is...
  10. S

    Smith Rd news?

    Read a rumor on another forum that maybe neighbors have complained to the zoning board and the newspapers about noise. Any truth to that rumor? Maybe they didn't know there was a race track next door until now? Go fast. Take chances. Mike S.
  11. S

    TV grasstrack

    I just heard a rumor race is cancelled. Can't confirm. Anybody know? Go fast. Take chances. Mike S.