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  1. DC817

    Bucket list

    Kalkaska and Frederic both have good sized lots at the trailheads. There were a couple of campers set up and camping at the Frederic trailhead.
  2. DC817

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    Yeah, definitely call Jason at Pointview! Great group there!
  3. DC817

    Bucket list

    We stayed in Grayling. We rode Kalkaska one day and Frederic the next. So many trail systems up there!
  4. DC817

    Bucket list

    Went to northern Michigan 2 weeks ago with a big group to ride some really flowy sand trails, some of them groomed. Was a blast! Definitely going back next year. Worth adding to anyone’s bucket list, whether you’re a moto guy or woods guy.
  5. DC817

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Come out and support the Spletzer family tomorrow at Western Reserve!
  6. DC817

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    2 man 4 hour at Western Reserve on Sunday. Brand new fresh loop! Guaranteed good time!
  7. DC817

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Stepping way way out of my comfort zone and trying the EROC race this weekend. Thanks MERP for the woods itch…
  8. DC817

    Redbud vet fest

    Looking better on the weather report I’m looking at. Showing 30% tomorrow and 50% Saturday. Pulling out at 4am. See everyone there!
  9. DC817

    Redbud vet fest

    Yep, I’m planning on it! Our camper debacle is making things a little more challenging but we might just all pile in a tent Friday night.
  10. DC817

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    MERP has it going on. Finally tried one today and might’ve been the most fun I’ve had racing my dirt bike. Never raced in the woods before and maybe rode the woods a handful of times my whole life but this race opened my eyes to what I’ve been missing. I smoked a tree in +30 towards the end too...
  11. DC817

    Redbud vet fest Countdown is on!
  12. DC817


    The worst financial investment you can make, IMO. Just go into it knowing they’re all junk and made as cheap as possible, especially newer ones that are made to be as light as possible. The phrase “covid campers” is a real thing… would seriously avoid 2021-2022 campers as they were pumping them...
  13. DC817

    Boot Resole

    Unfortunately it says they don’t do molded soles. Thanks though
  14. DC817

    Boot Resole

    Anybody know of a local cobbler in NE Ohio that can resole boots? Decided to order inserts for my old tech 10’s from eBay but they ended up sending the whole bottom soles. I’ve checked with a couple cobblers near Canton that said they can’t do it. Doesn’t seem like you can order the inserts...
  15. DC817

    Local Track Closes and Forces Schedule Change

    How does anyone expect local racing to grow when the series and promoter just gets bashed on here? Everyone complains about turn outs but instead of helping a series grow, they just bash it. Clay is a good dude who only wants to help racing in NE Ohio grow. He’s got cool things planned like 20...
  16. DC817

    Local Track Closes and Forces Schedule Change

    Really bummed to read this news. So many memories over the years at the vern. Definitely done more laps there than anywhere else. Place was so good the last few years too. Seems like these rumors got louder the last year or so. Thought we were getting atleast another year once I saw they had a...
  17. DC817

    Southern Tracks

    I try to always find a motel that I can roll the bike into the room. I’m too paranoid to leave them in the trailer unless I can back it up against something.
  18. DC817

    Another amateur featured event another rip off

    Good points by Todd. Also have to assume the motos are longer than the 4 lap, 6-8 min motos we get locally.
  19. DC817

    MERP - GP Series 2024

    Are you trying to register the bike again? Or now it’s just all the sudden saying it’s invalid? My VIN is still registered from last year.
  20. DC817

    Southern Tracks

    As far as tracks down south, I always enjoy Dreamville and Club. I’ve done that trip on a weekend before without taking any time off of work. Silver Valley is my favorite track in the Carolina’s but they don’t open near as much as they used to a few years ago. NCMP is good too when it’s prepped...