Stewart arrested for impersonating a police officer.

Section 843.081, F.S., provides that it is a first degree
misdemeanor for a person to use in or on any
nongovernmentally owned vehicle or vessel any
flashing or rotating blue light unless such person is a
law enforcement officer or is appointed by the Governor pursuant to ch. 354, F.S.

The maximum
jail term for a first misdemeanor is 1 year. See s. 775.082,

This is James' first offense that I know of. I highly doubt he will receive the maximum penalty. I dislike Stewart but I also have tremendous respect for him. We could all point fingers and make this out to be a big deal. Seriously though, it is his first offense give the man a break. I am not saying what he did was anything but wrong or illegal, but who on here has not done something stupid in the name of fun?
i dont think hes an ax murder or rapist :) probably just having a laugh screwing around and did it to the wrong guys .he will probably just pay fines but it dosnt look good when your supposed to be a role model. go reed, dungey or canard!
Bwaah hah hah hah hah. Maybe he was paying homage to Ron Lechien?

I agree that "bad luck" does not apply here. Bad judgement, yes. State troopers really frown on antics like that.

Scotty, I wonder if your suggestion will play out on Bubba's World? I would be tempted to actually watch it then.

Reminds me of the movie "Super Troopers".
The real question here is ... How is the AMA going to look at this. Suspension ?

I doubt they will treat the wonder boy of SX the same as JLaw.
The real question here is ... How is the AMA going to look at this. Suspension ?

I doubt they will treat the wonder boy of SX the same as JLaw.

I don't think they should intervene. That's what the law is for. Besides jlaw was breaking laws at tracks. Atleast Stewart isnt that big of a bonehead to act stupidly at the track....when he isn't racing of course ;)
Well if they do not then we are looking at the beginning of the same antics you see all the time in football. Nip in the a$$ now. And JLaw was repremanded for off track antics away from the venues as well as the ones at the venues. Remember the rental car incident ?
tyhe rental car incident was at a track. he and Josh Hill rolled it while at an outdoor national. jlaw also got into fisticuffs while partying with the "party crowd" at the nationals. thats when the ama stepped in. the AMA didn't do anything when JLaw stuck that guy in the neck with a pencil or bit the other guy's ear wasn't at the track. johnny law dealt with him.
This isn't the start of anything. Pro football, basketball, baseball etc, have thousands of athletes that make a million dollars a year. Motocross doesn't pay good! There only a few racers that have the jack that most nfl or mlb'ers have. With diminishing race team budgets and a slow economy I doubt we will see a spike in "pro motocrosser crime rates" after James ordeal. just my opinion.
reguardless of circumstance, the team owner and manager might have a problem with it.i hope they throw the book at jameslaw jr
man everyones so quick to hate.. im not a huge fan or anything, at all.. but give him a break. i could think of a million things worse he could have done. he has done no harm to anyone, didnt put anyone in danger, nothing really "illegal" (yes i know this is not legal but really...come on) when i say illegal i mean real crime... drugs..violence, etc.

move along. everyone acts like they are perfect and never did anything wrong.
tyhe rental car incident was at a track. he and Josh Hill rolled it while at an outdoor national. jlaw also got into fisticuffs while partying with the "party crowd" at the nationals. thats when the ama stepped in. the AMA didn't do anything when JLaw stuck that guy in the neck with a pencil or bit the other guy's ear wasn't at the track. johnny law dealt with him.
This isn't the start of anything. Pro football, basketball, baseball etc, have thousands of athletes that make a million dollars a year. Motocross doesn't pay good! There only a few racers that have the jack that most nfl or mlb'ers have. With diminishing race team budgets and a slow economy I doubt we will see a spike in "pro motocrosser crime rates" after James ordeal. just my opinion.

Thanks for pointing that out, I didnt realize the rental car was at the track. I still hope the AMA or his team take some action to show the riders that this type of behavior needs to stop. Back in the day it didnt matter so much as I think the sport didnt have the bright future it seems to have today. It would be a shame if mx/sx got branded like other sports have. I didn't mean to imply there would be a 'spike' in mx rider crime rates. What I did mean is as the riders in our sport see that the teams and AMA don't punish them for off time antics they will be less likely to avoid doing them. People like to bring up the riders from the early 90's and before as examples of what happens but the sport has elevated greatly since those days. Lets keep it a clean sport worthy of kids admiration, punish the antics of JLaw, Josh Hill, Stewart.

Just my opinion
im all for the team punishing him (although doesn't he own it now??)... but where do you draw the line between personal life and his career? my boss cant punish me if I go out and do something stupid.. it would be none of their business.. With that said I don't think AMA should have any interference.

where do you draw the line between interfering with them having their own life, and also living the life of a pro motocross racer? should his sponsors have control over every single thing he does from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to sleep? I dont think so but....?
I still have a hard time believing it all even with the Fox news reports and all. I still think its some sort of publicity stunt/April fools day thing...I quess we will know in a few days.
where do you draw the line between interfering with them having their own life, and also living the life of a pro motocross racer? should his sponsors have control over every single thing he does from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to sleep? I dont think so but....?

If you were paying someone large sums of money to represent you and promote you (In other words they are a representation of what you stand for) honestly how would you feel if that person was getting arrested ? Why do you think Tiger Woods lost some of his high profile sponsors ? He didn't even get arrested ! Its all about how people and companies want to be viewed for what they represent.

I hope it is a publicity stunt, I am a JS7 fan myself.
true.. like i said i can definitely see both sides and its hard to draw the line. none of us know what its like to live your life in the spot light like that so... who are we to say.
More than likely Stewart will finish the season out, and possibly be outdoors. The real story is the crybaby cops. I know they perform a good task and all, however, most of the cops are worse than the criminals they arrest. These cops now days are drunks who drive every night, do drugs, kidnap, extort, and the list goes on. And when they get caught, most of them just lose there jobs. 90% of them walk around everyday with egos that would trump the largest of the largest. The ones that let you go are cool, the rest are fat pricks.
More than likely Stewart will finish the season out, and possibly be outdoors. The real story is the crybaby cops. I know they perform a good task and all, however, most of the cops are worse than the criminals they arrest. These cops now days are drunks who drive every night, do drugs, kidnap, extort, and the list goes on. And when they get caught, most of them just lose there jobs. 90% of them walk around everyday with egos that would trump the largest of the largest. The ones that let you go are cool, the rest are fat pricks.

How old are you, because you are clueless.
More than likely Stewart will finish the season out, and possibly be outdoors. The real story is the crybaby cops. I know they perform a good task and all, however, most of the cops are worse than the criminals they arrest. These cops now days are drunks who drive every night, do drugs, kidnap, extort, and the list goes on. And when they get caught, most of them just lose there jobs. 90% of them walk around everyday with egos that would trump the largest of the largest. The ones that let you go are cool, the rest are fat pricks.

Way to much MTV viewing time.
ggx15 is a complete moron. Really. He's obviously an immature child that has not paid his dues in the real world yet and will no doubt, learn the hard way. As far as James Stewart is concerned, He's just a guy goofing off with his buddy. It was basically harmless, he just happened to have it go the wrong way. I am not a Bubba fan, but I have immense respect for the kid. He'll pay a fine, apologize like crazy and move on. He's already going to be remembered as one of the greatest motocross riders of all time. This was MINOR.
More than likely Stewart will finish the season out, and possibly be outdoors. The real story is the crybaby cops. I know they perform a good task and all, however, most of the cops are worse than the criminals they arrest. These cops now days are drunks who drive every night, do drugs, kidnap, extort, and the list goes on. And when they get caught, most of them just lose there jobs. 90% of them walk around everyday with egos that would trump the largest of the largest. The ones that let you go are cool, the rest are fat pricks.

Seriously ? LOL I know april fools just like bubba getting arrested....

I love this piccture!!