I'm confused, should I wear a neck brace or not? What's everyone's opinion on them as a whole?
is this a trick question?What's everyone's opinion on them as a whole?
im just going to develop a giant bubble that wraps around you're whole bike, minus the wheels of course.
I'm confused, should I wear a neck brace or not? What's everyone's opinion on them as a whole?
lol now thats funnyand the bait has been successfully put into play!
from my understanding its the same designer/engineers. the italians that were in on the deal ran outa money or something. i was told something like this, but they didnt touch on it completely.Nexis looks like a fancier version of my omega x1 brace. I have had them all except the EVS and I really like the design of the omega and I really like not busting my chin on the top of the brace when I crash like I did with the bionic.