VForce3 reed valve


PR Founding Father
Amazing the difference it made on the bottom end with my 08 yz250. Power is there like right now. Seems like the bike flattens out on the top faster. Perhaps because of how fast the bike gets to the higher revs? Has anyone else feel similar results?

Now all that's left is a top end pipe, still can't decide between the pro circuit and fmf. Although the more I ride the 250 the more I want to send the engine to Eric gorr.


PR Member
Cant say much about the 250 2 strokes because my RM and CR both only had pipes with no reed valves.. but I had three Identical CR125's, one with pipe and reeds, one with just reeds, and one with just a pipe and I feel like the one with the pipe and reeds had more USABLE 2 stroke power everywhere but the one that was the most fun was the one with just the pipe. I feel like stock reeds with a good pipe and silencer combo hit harder and actually produce MORE power in that range. Maybe it's just me though.......


...honestly sending your cylinder (or even whole engine) alone to Gore would be a waste of time when there is a reputable porting/milling shop not even 30 miles from you that would shave a head for probably $20.... I'm not downing on him (Gorr)because I had him do a 265 kit for me and it was cool because he sleeved and had it plated for a big bore size for cheap but If I could do it again I'd just re-plate from PowerSeal USA or get a new OEM cylinder but since it was only a $1500 bike the $700 top end was pointless when I could do a sleeve and replate for next to half.


PR Founding Father
Yea, weird. Maybe it's me wanting to think it's doing something for the bike. But I felt like my bike bit harder and the rear broke loose easier than before. Just requires a little more throttle finess now to keep the bike to track, didn't notice mid range or top end gains. Like I said low end gains and a hair of top end loss.

Anybody with a yz 250 have input for be vforce?


PR Addict
Georgie... i have the same bike with v-force and pc pipe. i had the pipe first... it add nice top end.... then i added the reeds and the top was about the same but the buttom pulled hard,all most to much... so went to a 49 tooth to smooth the hit and get some more top... your welcome to try my bike if we are ever at the same place....


PR Founding Father
Georgie... i have the same bike with v-force and pc pipe. i had the pipe first... it add nice top end.... then i added the reeds and the top was about the same but the buttom pulled hard,all most to much... so went to a 49 tooth to smooth the hit and get some more top... your welcome to try my bike if we are ever at the same place....

Thanks for the offer. You can't miss me at a track, I got electrical tape GP on the number plates, until I get some decals done. As well as usually older mis-matched gear. No need to since I'm not really racing. I'd rather put the money to performance than for bling.

@Pit: Haven't taken it off yet. I rode my buddies 2011 and couldn't really notice a difference between it being on and off....(his is stock obviously)