I got a fever


PR Addict
And the only presciption..... is more open practice at COCR this Saturday 10-15. How does 10 am to 4 pm sound? Its just what the doctor ordered. Come check out whats happening at COCR. I'll be watering again Friday and this time we will track some stuff in with the dozer. Get here early enough to create your own lines. Gonna be better this time yet again.


PR Addict
We will be open tomorrow form 10 to 4 pm. the track had some dry spots earlier. lets hope the rain passes by and we will be good to go. I'll post an update in the morning. Thanks Doug


PR Addict
We didn't get any rain last night. The dirt is wet, tacky and doesn't even get you dirty. its gonna be perfect in a little while. We will be working the track until you get here. later Doug