CRA promoters/racers


PR Founding Father
Not sure if you racers would know, maybe more promoters but what has been the average rider count at the tracks this year? I have been away from the local mx scene for a few years and cannot believe how small the classes are now?
If you click on the link on the CRA site for Trackside, you can look at the totals for each race, and average any way you want.

Economy is hitting everyone hard and I hear your weather out there has been a factor. I know I came out for a weekend and had a good night at Pyma, but rain hit TVLand and ravaged his turnout.
Strange how the economy seems to affect Ohio, but I go to LL races and they are PACKED...

I think the real reason the racing turnouts have suffered in Ohio is because the racing scene is too dysfunctional.
As stated before those who have always had the means still have and those that were walking a tight rope just trying to hang on and enjoy racing had to make some tuff choices.
Trust me the economy is a big part of it whether people want to admit it or not. Some peoples ego and pride make it hard to admit certain things. But I do agree with you to certain degree Pit, the word dysfunctional does come to mind.
Pit, what is dysfunctional about the racing scene? There is CRA and AMA D-11 correct? Did it seem to go down hill after D-12 disbanded?
Pit, what is dysfunctional about the racing scene? There is CRA and AMA D-11 correct? Did it seem to go down hill after D-12 disbanded?

For 2011 in Ohio you had CRA, MRA, D-11, GLMX, OHMX, and then various non-sanctioned events.

Ohio has one of the largest amounts of riders and tracks in the nation, but if you go just a few hours away into one of our neighboring states and ask riders if they have ever raced in Ohio, most of the responses are that they don't even know about anything in Ohio. I've even had a few out of state riders ask me what is up in Ohio with all the different promoting bodies and why there is so much confusion.

To us that live and breathe this all the time, we understand it. But to outsiders our state looks like motocross mayhem.
For 2011 in Ohio you had CRA, MRA, D-11, GLMX, OHMX, and then various non-sanctioned events.

To us that live and breathe this all the time, we understand it. But to outsiders our state looks like motocross mayhem.

I think that would be a great name for a once a year, run whatcha brung, huge amateur and big purse pro event in Ohio! We could get riders from a half dozen states to : "MOTOCROSS MAYHEM".......coming to an Ohio MX track near you!!! Remember, you heard it here first!! haha
For 2011 in Ohio you had CRA, MRA, D-11, GLMX, OHMX, and then various non-sanctioned events.

Ohio has one of the largest amounts of riders and tracks in the nation, but if you go just a few hours away into one of our neighboring states and ask riders if they have ever raced in Ohio, most of the responses are that they don't even know about anything in Ohio. I've even had a few out of state riders ask me what is up in Ohio with all the different promoting bodies and why there is so much confusion.

To us that live and breathe this all the time, we understand it. But to outsiders our state looks like motocross mayhem.

Ok, MRA does not count, and what in the hell is GLMX and OHMX? Sure LL qualifiers will always be packed so those are not a good comparison. I was just dumbfounded as I flagged last Sunday at WRMC and watching the races and it just didn't seem the same as ten or even five years ago. The competition was just flat! I was actually getting bored, and I LOVE racing......any kind of two wheel racing! Maybe I am just expecting too much from the CRA competition? Maybe people have just lost the racing bug?
MX is down in general. In my home area of District 6, they are having the same problem with rider turnout. Used to be as high as 700, now it is about 300. Many factors in this, but MONEY is the number one factor. I am into my 50's, and anyone else in that age can afford these bikes (generally speaking of course). But back when I was 20 or so, I could afford the bikes. Kids today cannot because of no job or whatever. Our way of life is changing in this country. Just open your eyes.

I see this in the very near future. Since the AMA has forgone all of us and all the racing organizations have fractured, I see MX racing consisting of Loretta Lynn's qualifiers, regionals and the big show. Otherwise, we will have track days and that will be about it. Racing will be about LL. Just my 2 cents.

By the way, I love Ohio racing, but 80 guys just doesn't cut it to make a 4 hour trip. Been doing this to long to race 2 guys. Hopefully the Grass Track race that Trevor is putting on will be better!! Look forward to seeing some new faces!!!:)
MX is down in general. In my home area of District 6, they are having the same problem with rider turnout. Used to be as high as 700, now it is about 300. Many factors in this, but MONEY is the number one factor. I am into my 50's, and anyone else in that age can afford these bikes (generally speaking of course). But back when I was 20 or so, I could afford the bikes. Kids today cannot because of no job or whatever. Our way of life is changing in this country. Just open your eyes.

I hear that. I did what the guidance counselor told me...go to college. Get a degree. Go to work. I did that and now I have a massive load of debt to carry. I can't afford a new bike and I'm a registered nurse. We don't do that bad income wise.

The working man today is behind from the get go because nobody tells you you're going to owe 900/mo for 15 years when you graduate. They just say oh hey sign here for your loan. It's he right thing to do, you're securing your future! (of debt slavery)

As far as Loretta's...anybody ever pay attention to the majority of the rigs down there? They ain't Rollin in like James Stewart did in 1990 in a hoopty. The amateur national scene will never die just like NASCAR will always race on sunday even if there are bread lines. People who had money still have it. People that work for it like all of you and I are finding its harder to make money we don't have.
I hear that. I did what the guidance counselor told me...go to college. Get a degree. Go to work. I did that and now I have a massive load of debt to carry. I can't afford a new bike and I'm a registered nurse. We don't do that bad income wise.

The working man today is behind from the get go because nobody tells you you're going to owe 900/mo for 15 years when you graduate. They just say oh hey sign here for your loan. It's he right thing to do, you're securing your future! (of debt slavery)

Gotta disagree on this one. Sure, the debt seems lousy now, but over time its the best option. Your earning potential is so much larger over your career with that degree. These few years of debt are nothing compared to the rest of your life (as far as a percentage of time).
Gotta disagree on this one. Sure, the debt seems lousy now, but over time its the best option. Your earning potential is so much larger over your career with that degree. These few years of debt are nothing compared to the rest of your life (as far as a percentage of time).

Georgie, I hear your frustration but I gotta agree with the long run your further ahead. My son will have the same issue in a year or year and half but further down the line be head of the game.
I hear that. I did what the guidance counselor told me...go to college. Get a degree. Go to work. I did that and now I have a massive load of debt to carry. I can't afford a new bike and I'm a registered nurse. We don't do that bad income wise.

The working man today is behind from the get go because nobody tells you you're going to owe 900/mo for 15 years when you graduate. They just say oh hey sign here for your loan. It's he right thing to do, you're securing your future! (of debt slavery)

Do you realize that you are complaining about something that you did willingly and were in complete control of?

Remember…..The major majority of the world’s population doesn’t even have the opportunity to go for higher education…..even if they wanted it.

That said….how would you have liked the beginning of your Adult life to play out George?
Marc-Ideally jobs like what were available when you were my age. I have no regrets about schooling but the cost could have been better explained to young people I think. I feel bad for friends who thought they were doing the right thing only to have massive debt with a degree they aren't using or can't use. Yes it was their decision but when you're right out of high school ou don't know the value of a dollar. Kids need to be better informed so that they can have a degree that will pay their student loans. I'm glad I am in a field where I can pay my loans without defaulting.

There are alot of predators out there for higher education and some of the pre requisite classes I was forced to take and pay for we're a complete joke. I had harder courses in high school.

Life begins at age 18 in the good ole USA. You can vote, take on debt, and sign contracts......... does the average 18 year old that's been hauled around by mom and dad to the Amatuer MX Nationals have a handle on real life??? I don't think so. Should your parents have advised you on credit debt, how to handle it, what type of things it's good for........... probably. Is life fair? definately not! Motorcycling isn't a necessity at your age, it's a luxury.

You have your entire life ahead of you and you are already complaining........ the reason so many people stop riding between age 18 and 30 is due to getting going in life. Starting a job, college, marriage, kids, buying a house......... all of that adds up to no money to spend on dirt bikes. Let me be the first to warn you of your future.......... the demands on your money will continue to grow for many years before they start to dwindle if you make wise decisions now with your choices on your money. Don't spend 100% of it all the time or you'll never get ahead.

There are people out there that take advantage of every situation in life from college loans to nursing home costs and everything in between. Getting smart comes at a price and making the most of your choices you have will help in the long run. Once you have kids, I think you'll decide to teach them about credit and loans before they are in the real world on their own and your kids will be farther ahead than you were......... think of it as learning from your own mistakes and those of your parents. The best way to learn anything is with experience!

Makes you appreciate all of the things that your parents did for you while you were growing up though when you realize what they must have done to make all of your experiences happen before you were paying the bills doesn't it?
Yes to what Rocket says......So then after you decide to be smart with your money save, do the right thing and get ahead!
Wow wahooo look I made it! You get slammed by the jealouse, the lazy, the crack head.....all pissed at you cause you did something with your life and try to make you feel guilty for having it! When they don't.

Good thing we stayed on topic.

I guess you can blame the economy, because I am working way more hours these days to keep the same income.
So i can still afford the money to race...but not the time as much. that is why we do a lot of riding at my Pee Wee track with the 5 and 9 year old.

my 5 year old will be Shooting for Lorett Lynns this year.
Georgie: I could go on and on. So I will try not too. As a kid I did not have much more than the necessities. My friends had stuff handed to them. I put myself through school, sat in classes thinking, "This is what I am paying for?" while my roommates partied constantly. Still, I toughed it out. Without my degree I would not have got an interview. Without the interview - no job. No job = no house, bikes etc. It is true that as you get older you will have more financial commitments. Try adding a couple of kids.

After working for little money for a long time in the teaching profession I am FINALLY making a decent living. But wait! With Issue 2 on the ballot, I can lose it all and go back to square one b/c I have experience - which costs more. So, I keep thinking about how hard I worked to get to this point and I get really salty about the convictions of some of our elected officials.

Next, many kids have NO IDEA how good they have it -mine included. While I have a 2nd job to use for moto-money my kids STILL drop their helmets on the ground and can't understand why I get mad at them for it.

The bottom line is that you WILL be better off - even with the financial aid debt. Use your head when it comes to spending. Start saving for retirement - now. Marry a girl who DOES NOT have a fetish for wasteful spending. Raise your kids to appreciate what you give them and push them to achieve. There are MANY PEOPLE in this country who feel that they are entitled to handouts and they are fine with it. Try not to let that get to you (I still let it get too me).

Having stuff is great, but having the power to get it again and again is even better. Some kid said to me once, "Your F150 is junk. You should have got the F350." I told him that I could have, but did not want to (considering he did not have a truck at all) - funny how those with nothing can be the most critical. Some of the richest people LOOK like they are just getting bye. If you saw my 1977 Dodge RV you would think that of me. However, the truth is totally the opposite.

Many people LOOK like they have a ton of stuff, but are up to their ears in debt. Cash is king. You will be okay. Keep your head up. Work for a while. Get established. Then, you will reap the benefits of your efforts for a long time. I know 2 guys with trucks that are better than mine. One lives with his parents and the other is wondering how he is going to keep his truck b/c he has lived off of unemployment for 2 years and made no effort to better himself via job or education during that time.

Congrats on going into a very noble profession. All of my siblings are nurses / PA's. and one more thing: Please VOTE NO on ISSUE 2!!!!! Thanks! God Bless - Rich
You all make great points. I'm lucky to have a girlfriend of three years who is a nurse as well and doesn't find the need to spend on items and shoot for luxury.

I just bought a house, I close on November 23rd. I know without education I wouldnt be able to afford a house. I just hope that high schools take their life planning course more seriously and don't staff the 23 year old right out of college as my teacher was. Use a veteran teacher with some ageful knowledge under his belt and help this country's youth yearn for prosperity through well informed decisions instead of decisions instead of free hand outs.

Sorry to high jack that one, wasn't the intention.
=I guess you can blame the economy, because I am working way more hours these days to keep the same income.
So i can still afford the money to race...but not the time as much. that is why we do a lot of riding at my Pee Wee track with the 5 and 9 year old.

my 5 year old will be Shooting for Lorett Lynns this year.

EXACTLY!! Everyone is shooting for LL as their reason for racing! Nothing wrong with that, but it just kills the racing at the local level and that is the mindset for everyone. No body does this for fun anymore. I think after reading that, know I know why track days are bigger these days than racing.....It's all about fun. And no matter how you cut it , Loretta's for most family's is a pressure cooker.

You are already headed in the right direction.......... you bought a house and are working full time with a woman that is also working full time. Use these starting years to enjoy your house and each other before adding the burden of children and how to pay for them. Putting off the kids until you are 30 and well established will help you to no end in the long run. Don't worry about dirt biking so much and what you are missing....... you'll have racing until you're part of the 50+ class with your kids to look forward to by buying used cheap bikes now and riding for a little fun and exercise. Save the new expensive stuff for later on when you have the money to spend.

Life is hard, but you can do well in it with proper choices.