I find the argument that fracking contaminates water wells hard to buy. I am familar with brine, frack water, water ever you want to call it, salt water, horse spit, etc. Now I know, most of the marcellus wells were down pretty deep, say 8000' deep, and the drill horizontally from that deep another 2000' deep (on average). If they cant have a drill rig within 500' of a residence, then how does the frack water that is injected through a steel pipe (not a pipe with holes in it), but a solid steel pipe, 8000' feet into the ground make it into a water well that is 200-250' deep?? That my friends, I want to know.
Now, if they took the frack water after injecting the well, walked over to your well head, popped the cap and carefully poured 20,000 gallons of it into my well, I might believe it can make it in there, but until then Im not buying it.
My point is that fracking doesnt contaminate wells, how they dispose of it can. If they simply dump it on-site thats a problem. It could leach into the ground and definietly contaminate your water. Most septic fields must be 50' from well heads too. Many villages out east are having engineering folks look at adding on their existing waste water plants, or just simply building new ones to process this frack water. This is the one case where we actually need the EPA. Someone needs to make sure the frack water is disposed of properly.