LLQ crow canyon disqalificattion

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mx 834. Chris was not even there on friday and he did not get black flagged off the track on Saturday. He was never in a wrong practice on Sat. I don't know what rider you were watching but it wasn't Chris. This is my point to Mr. Wolfe, this is where the hearsay begins. Thankyou mx834 you just proved my point.
hey its chris carr, and mx834 whoever you are, all i have to say is i promise u i wasnt there friday, nor did i get black flagged saturday, yes i got blacked flagged sunday but thts it, and to Mr. Wolfe i didnt throw f bombs around, not like tht, u disrespected me in treating me differently then any other rider saying do i think im above the rules? dont t be tht guy, not happy with you or ur so called son thts my friend, you and ama official and ur son all ganged up on me in the little place we were talking, you think im disrepectful you should look in the mirror.
I hope many of you are aware that there is another 450 out there with our graphics. The number 93. He is a very good friend that we sold our 08 450 to last year. He would have been in the AB practice on Sunday as he is B rider. I am pointing this out only to say that maybe that where some of this coming from. I would also like to add to Mr. Wolfe's original post that I missed the first time. He said his son was not involved but as it turns out he was the one stating that Chris had been out there 4 to 5 times. So lets get it straight.


PR Addict
Wow is all I can say! Chris and Foot Logic Racing have every right to be upset. It seems that peoples opinions of Chris is what the promotors based there decision on!


PR Founding Father
You know what? I find it pretty disrespectful TO ME that people come on here just to complain. There has not been a single peep on this board from any of the Carr's for years, and to come on here just to complain is insulting to me.

Regardless of who is at fault or who did what, coming on here and creating a pissing match is unacceptable. This thread is now locked and any new threads created to continue this ridiculous fight will be deleted. Keep this crap on FB where it belongs.
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