

PR Founding Father
I haven't seen anyone post about COCR this year. Anyone know how the practice and race went this weekend? Any changes? Pics?


PR Founding Father
That's what I was afraid of......another Ohio track that has been around for many years not getting the turnouts needed.......real bummer.


PR Founding Father
Does COCR do anything to promote the track or events?

The days of just printing up a schedule are way past.


PR Addict
Hope their able to survive, it's one of my favorites. I've seen they post alot of updates on facebook so hope that helps


PR Founding Father
I don't have facebook, I live about 15 minutes from there, and only know when the practices/races are going on because a friend might mention it. Actually, my wife has seen it on facebook too. I wish them well, and good luck!


PR Founding Father
The problem with trying to market on FB, is that someone must know to go looking for you in the first place. I don't understand why places limit themselves like that. It's good to be on there, but as a supplement, not a primary means.
COCR is very much alive!!! I have taken over the facebook page and everything that is going on is on there. Its taken a while to retreive the password as well as the one started here on pit racer. Today I am working on taking that over as well. THE TRACK IS SICK!! New trails are being cut, theres dozer there to perfect the track practices and race day.
There are alot of physical changes being done as we speak and the feedback has been AMAZING!! I have tons of pics to upload. I have pics of all the racers as well as the "hell ya's" from the crowd. If your on the grounds, chances are u will be on camera lol
Everyone wants to know whats going on so i give it to them. I am on there everyday to answer questions as well as every second on practice and race days to keep everyone informed of weather ....etc. So if u have a fb account, def hit us up!!! I look forward to talkin to everyone on here as well.

One more soon as I can get things rollin for cocr on here, I will be on here first to inform everyone before I hit fb


Open practices will be discussed at the next meeting to all the members. Like I said above, "i am a go between" the racers and cocr. Im working on seeing the responses of people who will show up to practices in order to bring it up to the members. I have 115 thus far....... The track would be prepped like the first 2 sucessful races......input??


PR Founding Father
Good to hear that the club is still plugging away! I hope to get out there soon to check out the changes.


PR Member
I need location and member info:
Was given the heads up by Ron but could use details. Not sure how far South you boys are. Like the Schedule, your 3wheeler friendly? Don't care if I gate with Quads until I get a group to fill a gate to run seperate. I like to ride both ATC and Dirtbike's if possible.


PR Founding Father
I need location and member info:
Was given the heads up by Ron but could use details. Not sure how far South you boys are. Like the Schedule, your 3wheeler friendly? Don't care if I gate with Quads until I get a group to fill a gate to run seperate. I like to ride both ATC and Dirtbike's if possible.
Would you want to line up against quads for GP or MX, or both?


PR Member
If the Quad +40 guys don't mind, and the land Management is open to it, I'm ok with either. Thanks Ron looking into the info given.


PR Founding Father
We typically only get about 5 quads. No age glasses. If it's AMA sanctioned, I don't believe they can allow a 3 wheeler. Still digging though. Stand by.


PR Member
No AMA fo sure...CRA OMA NEDT are always ok for the most part your instate local Ruling bodies welcome riders. Not a deal breaker, sent an email in regarding a few questions to COCR. Expect they'll respond in a few days. Race Rig is in for repairs, might have back in time for up coming 7th Open Practice. Be nice to just come check it out with the Dirtbike's.


PR Founding Father
No AMA fo sure...CRA OMA NEDT are always ok for the most part your instate local Ruling bodies welcome riders. Not a deal breaker, sent an email in regarding a few questions to COCR. Expect they'll respond in a few days. Race Rig is in for repairs, might have back in time for up coming 7th Open Practice. Be nice to just come check it out with the Dirtbike's.
I'm currently covering the website, with some help from the man, but let me know when you want to check it out, and I may be able to make it happen.