"Good Idea? Or time waster?"
-Good idea, because I think it provides us with a fresh view on the same thing, it allows a new perspective on the skill level that should be there. More people will race this because of a vocabulary change, good idea in my book.
Mxp~ I agree with the idea of it representing a skill level, could keep more coming back, if there is a place to race with others of similar abilities (or lack of), and sensibilities (those who don't jump much of anything).
"Rider Eligibility may be revoked by promoter at any time for any reason. (I think is a must)"
- And It will be.
"Not a “C” class? Or is it? Difference?"
-Different because of the change in terms (sport), allows us to limit the class. If we tried to say No tripling in the C class it would bring some negativity, becuase this is not done elsewhere. The change of term makes this our baby, we can do what we want.
"Sport: No clearing of designated obstacles (define clearing,define obstacles)"
-If you attempt a jump, get the rear tire over the landing in which it doesnt create excessive up travel in the rear suspension, or creates a jarring effect to the rider, then it has been cleared.
"Classes: +30, +40 or should there be a few more? Beginner..”C”…sport?"
"Practice: Sport Class should have their own but can combine all classes for practice?"
-Maybe, I think if there is a large enough group to warrant it, otherwise they will go out with the C practice.
Mxp~ I can do that
"Racing: Not Staggered with themselves (some +40 sport riders may also do +30 sport) because that’s “their” class. (Speak up if you’d like the ability to do more than one sport class) "
-Not sure what there is to talk about here, it only makes sense to me to stagger these "sport" classes with the parent class unless the number of total bikes on the track exceeds 40-42, then they should get their own gate, period.
Mxp~ I agree, if there isn't a 50+ class, I'd be inclined to ride in both 30 and 40 Sport because of limitations which would help with age differences (not much in my case, but hey...). Maybe more inclined to do Sport rather than getting Sharcs way (like I always have)
"Advancement: 3 wins and you’re out. (Just an idea, needs more input / thought)"
-I think these classes are to allow riders who arent serious about advancement a chance to race with others who have similar thoughts on racing. Sport classes are anti-advancement. To be honest, if anyone is thinking about racing Sport to win it, then they are probably in the wrong class. Maybe we should have a quiz?