GoPro Moment of Awesomeness Entry from Loretta Lynn's for Rocket Robin

As far as I know, GoPro scammed everyone with this contest. Originally, the rules said that the entry with the most views by August 24th would be the winner. On August 25th by 6am I had the most views by over 1000 more over second place...... I emailed them through their customer service website contact and after 6 days got a response that "We are tallying the votes now, and will let the winner know." At that point, I checked the rules and they had been changed to say that the video had to be posted by August 24th, 2012 but the prize was still an all expense weekend trip to the Final Lake Elsinore National Motocross finale. I never heard a word from them... and I emailed them again through the customer service website and got another lame response of "not sure what is going on with this contest, but I'm sending the info to the marketing dept for review".

Scam of a contest with no winner (or a winner they wanted and not most views on YouTube for the tags required), or at least not a winner of the contest as it was listed. I lost a lot of respect for the company due to this as they totally dropped the ball on this.........
They didn't want a mid pack pass vet video. Even if it was cool. They wanted an under 18 amateur so they could say you must be 18 to enter.
Some pot stirrer is sitting back in an office laughing his a$$ off at all the work you guys put into this only to have your hopes crushed! Free advertisement is a wonderful thing!
Probably could nail em with a litigation threat. They'd probably try to settle outta court for 10g or so. Ain't much but you could buy a new dunginator with it...
Rocket, I suggest trying to work your way up the food chain.

The company I work for has been through similar issues. On FB they have these contest type things and often times if it werent for me being interested in the industry I work in, I would never know that they have stuff going on like this on the internet or TV. Ask to speak with someone in their marketing department rather than customer service. Some of the guys I work with on the customer service side of things know nothing "inside" the industry, so they have no clue about facebook contests or picture contests to win free stuff unless myself or one of my other co workers notice it and relay it to other customer service reps.

If they dont resolve your issue, I will not buy the go pro that ive been eye`n up.. (not that my measly couple hundred dollars will affect them in any way)
Maybe your prize now involves a trip to the 2013 Lake Elsinore race?

Hard to believe a company would set up a PR contest and then create a bunch'o negative PR for themselves by not handing out the prize.

Makes a person wonder how valid that "daily" contest they've had on their website forever, the one that says "One person wins everything we make. Daily". If they've flubbed up this single contest this bad, how are they ever going to send out prizes every day of the week to someone?
Allright Pit haha the jokes over, tell Robin about the little prank you pulled before some one gets fired over at Gopro. Ha good one Pit!!