OMA-District X


PR Addict
So explain to me how this works.

If I sign up and pick my number, absolutely nobody else can run that number at all?
---or just that day?
---or just in my class?
---combination of the last two?

If I don't sign up early to pick a number, I cannot use the number I currently have on my bike at all (unless I manage to get those digits)?

If I wait and just get a membership at the day of a race, assuming that's allowed, which I would hope, what's the situation then, assuming you can only use the number on the card?

Is it just to put preference over somebody to where they would never have to use an X or a /?

If someone else picks my number, can I use it, even if it's the same day, same class as the first person?

I am not familiar with AMA numbers. Please tell me I can show up and race any class with my current number even if another person has the same number in my class.


PR Founding Father
Scatesmx13.....I believe they are going to assign numbers by the ones we choose (by signing up early, to help out OMAX). By us being assigned that number, if someone else shows up at the track with our number, we will trump them, and get to use our number. You would have to change yours, put an X next to it or something. Thats how it is in the AMA if your running your AMA number you get preference. this close to your thinking?


PR Addict
For the record I would prefer the opportunity of using an X in that case than have to make a crappy 2 in tape.

What is the point doing numbers this way?


PR Founding Father
For the record I would prefer the opportunity of using an X in that case than have to make a crappy 2 in tape.

What is the point doing numbers this way?

There are only 999 numbers on a bike and thousands of racers. It just sets in stone so you know there's no way someone can take your number. Otherwise you gotta ask sign up if someone has your number and already signed up. Then suck it up, slap the x on or pick another number. Then bring an x to the gate in case the person who has dibs on your number signs up late.

therefor, so I don't need to worry about this debacle: 740 has been claimed with my paid Oma membership. No x for me!!! Suckers.


PR Founding Father
Scatesmx13.....I believe they are going to assign numbers by the ones we choose (by signing up early, to help out OMAX). By us being assigned that number, if someone else shows up at the track with our number, we will trump them, and get to use our number. You would have to change yours, put an X next to it or something. Thats how it is in the AMA if your running your AMA number you get preference. this close to your thinking?

JOHN250 and Georgie are correct, this is a preference thing for the classes that you run. Somone else could run a reserved number, provided they are not in the class with you.


PR Elite
JOHN250 and Georgie are correct, this is a preference thing for the classes that you run. Somone else could run a reserved number, provided they are not in the class with you.

As well as a guy not wanting to have to buy new plastics and or graphics (or just numbers) to change his existing number for the OMA series, can just show up with his existing number, and race it as long as another racer IN HIS CLASS hasn't already pre-claimed that number at membership sign up.

This is what I was sorting out. If a guy has just recently purchased pre-printed number graphics for his bike, and likes and prefers to keep his favorite number he still could, and could possibly race his class with that number.

Sorry, don't mean to cause any confusion.


PR Elite
Christina I think you are reading into it to much. They are letting people pick there membership number to match theres and yes if someone else has it they have to run an X. If you buy the day of a race and get some random number you don't have to run that number. For example my AMA number is 247818. By AMA my number is 818, however I don't have to run that number if I don't want to. Some people run it some don't.


PR Founding Father
As well as a guy not wanting to have to buy new plastics and or graphics (or just numbers) to change his existing number for the OMA series, can just show up with his existing number, and race it as long as another racer IN HIS CLASS hasn't already pre-claimed that number at membership sign up.

This is what I was sorting out. If a guy has just recently purchased pre-printed number graphics for his bike, and likes and prefers to keep his favorite number he still could, and could possibly race his class with that number.

Sorry, don't mean to cause any confusion.

i think you are correct.

By signing up for a particular district number, you in no way have to run that number, but if you do do run that number you can "trump" others that try to run it as well (only in your classes). Its the tie breaker when two people sign up for the same number in the same class.

If John250 enters a class, and Rocket Robin enter the same class (40+) and they both sign up for the #250, then Rocket needs to slash his number, regardless of who signed up first, because John's last three on his district card is 250. Now on that same race day if Mathew Caupp wants to run #250 in a youth class, he can still do so even if his card is 025, because John250 is not in the class. However, it comes down to who signs up first if there is no reserved number in that class. So Mathew would have to be the first #250 signed up in 50cc 7-8 in order to avoid slashing his number.

This is nothing new people, this is how its done everywhere.


PR Elite
Staff member
A few years ago there were three of us 181's on the 30+ gate at Crow, a Honda, KTM and Kawi. No X needed because they'd scored on bike color. Some people add a letter to their number (181k) so they'll never have to cross out.

For 2014 OMA could use 2013 points as the tie breaker but we don't have points yet so anyone else showing up to the 6 or 7 OMA races next year that I happen to show up to and decide to race 40+, or possibly 30+, on a Honda, wearing a TLD helment, running the number 181...... can suck it!


PR Founding Father
Over 55 members in counting, not too shabby for mid december and two days being up. Also Thanks everyone for the shirts and hoodie orders! I believe Im caught up on getting those out, so you should be seeing them shortly!