off season


PR Addict
riding season is slowing down and the only local event that I know of is the swap meet at on the edge on sunday dec 9th and it's free
no medina meet as of right now that may change after the first of the year
walnecks swap meets in springfield ohio at the fairgrounds jan 6th and feb 24th next year
how about a get together at lagarheads thats always fun
I'll keep on the lookout for anything else that may show up


PR Founding Father
Lagerheads for sure....

I am also open to throwing down with a get together at my new Medina Hacienda....and depending on the date and time of said soiree , it may or may not include some ice racing, trials loops or other mayhem......but definitely lots of libations and laughs.....hell, I even have enough stuff to throw my own indoor swap meet!